Example sentences of "[noun pl] were keep " in BNC.

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1 But for several years it remained extremely basic , with only small , medium and large sizes remotely possible so long as the styles were kept simple .
2 Schools were kept closed because their caretakers stayed away , as did cleaners , cooks , and deliverers of fuel .
3 And during the bitter 1984 miners ' strike the cranes were kept busy unloading imports of Australian coal for power stations .
4 One 63-year-old freed prisoner revealed that captives were kept in metal cages without sanitation or adequate food .
5 Later in the year he visited the museum in Istanbul where the fragments were kept and demonstrated their exact fit .
6 Not until much later were these immense spaces lined with buildings , and even then the houses and shops were kept well back so as not to interfere with the immemorial rights of the stall-holders .
7 For instance , only 18 per cent of retailers , 22 per cent of caterers and 60 per cent of food manufacturers were keeping food at temperatures recommended by the Department of Health .
8 After the financial troubles of that decade , though , a more businesslike approach was taken so that reserves were kept back to cover for lean years when the weather proved to be unkind .
9 Many medieval farms in Wales consisted of only one main building , the so called ‘ longhouse ’ : farm animals were kept at one end of the house and the people lived at the other .
10 During the infusion , the animals were kept in semirestraining Bollman type cages as used also in secretory studies .
11 The animals were kept at 20°C , 50% humidity and a light/dark cycle of 12/12 hours .
12 In each experiment the animals were kept in individual metabolic cages at a constant temperature ( 25 ( 1 ) °C ) with a 12 hour dark-light period and free access to water .
13 Spontaneous recovery occurred within one hour , during which time the animals were kept warm by infrared heat from a lamp before being returned to the standard conditions of the animal house .
14 Animals were kept under light anaesthesia thereafter with ip chloral hydrate .
15 She claimed chickens and other animals were kept in appalling conditions that no human would endure .
16 Forage and concentrate was all bought in and the animals were kept in outdoor feedlots .
17 To avoid divisiveness the Board also proposed that ‘ … it would be of advantage if Resident Tutors were kept informed of the activities of the WEA in the urban districts of their respective counties ’ .
18 This might , he appreciated , mean putting sections of the house ‘ under wraps ’ , but would I bring all my experience and expertise to bear to ensure such losses were kept to a minimum ?
19 The other valve sits in the thick one like a lid , and the whole animal is curved so that the margins of the valves were kept clear of the sediment .
20 My lame reply protested that people in business were just as interested as anyone else but their noses were kept very close to their own grindstones .
21 As it turned out , the joint reign was short , no more than three years , during which time the feuding brothers were kept in check by the influence of their mother Bertha .
22 Shoes were kept on wooden trees , never to lose their shape , or seam across with age .
23 Both sites were kept going until the early 1980s , when the latter was closed and subsequently covered by new housing in late 1988 .
24 In contrast to the statements of the parents , Mrs Trickett maintained staunchly that both the children and parents were kept informed of the situation and what was happening .
25 New courses which resulted from these changes began in September 1984 and parents were kept informed at all stages .
26 It does not seem generally known that for more than a year after VJ Day more than 120,000 Allied POWs were kept in internment camps in Java .
27 What is , to my mind , incredible , is that he could ever have supposed that the money was being either paid by the plaintiffs or received by the defendants with the intention or on the footing that the defendants were to keep it in any event .
28 Even Virginia tobacco was so short that favourite brands were kept out of sight under the counter , reserved for favourite customers .
29 During a bright moon , headlights were kept off — otherwise they remained on only when driving on the road alone .
30 Henry slipped away to the table where the bottles were kept .
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