Example sentences of "[noun pl] with each " in BNC.

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1 The way in which temporary working overlaps with each of the other forms of " non-standard " working identifiable through the LFS — namely self-employment and part-time working — is shown in Diagram I. As can be seen , it is not only that some temporary workers are self-employed and some are part-timers ; a sizeable minority are both .
2 One of the most fascinating aspects of Spycatcher is how Wright describes the enormous amount of time wasted on petty departmental quarrels and jealousies with each person guarding his little private empire .
3 The latter is an unusual work because it is about people who really lived at a particular period and who had particular relationships with each other .
4 The different colours and patterns of horses ' coats also affect their relationships with each other .
5 It does not follow that the relationships with each of these figures is the same as different satisfactions seem to be derived from each .
6 For me it 's not even a matter of specific issues such as Aids and homelessness , it simply comes down to people 's relationships with each other . ’
7 Their relationships with each other and with later hominoids is still uncertain , but as they represent different evolutionary trends I am going to distinguish them taxonomically at the level of tribe , where they have been distinguished at generic level before .
8 It does not suggest how their relationships with each other may have to change as part of the process .
9 We found that doctors and non-medical staff thought that fundholding had altered their roles and relationships with each other and with agencies outside of the practices .
10 Once the bank is up and running , children learn how to deal with people and develop working relationships with each other .
11 They had relationships with each other , the characteristic divine family being a triad of father , mother and child like Osiris , Isis and Horus ; Amun , Mut and Khonsu ; and Ptah , Sekhmet and Nefertum .
12 All human beings , in order to enter into social relationships with each other , must acknowledge the face of other people .
13 In Japan there are large JIT production complexes spatially organized so that subsidiary companies , suppliers and subcontractors are in contiguous relationships with each other , extending through to tertiary subcontracting relations .
14 If each domain is described by an enveloping box ( see Figure 2.21 ) which contains the local description necessary to produce a car ( see Figure 2.22 ) , the gearbox-transmission unit and passenger compartment will have an intersection ( see Figure 2.23 ) , as these major spaces will consequently have relationships with each other .
15 But behind the apparently straightforward process of assigning numbers to variants of a variable in such a way as to reflect , reasonably faithfully , their phonetic and social relationships with each other lies a great deal of linguistic , sociological and mathematical abstraction .
16 Dismay and alienation seriously threaten this foursome 's relationships with each other and all who love them .
17 ‘ … to interpret the differential patterns of distribution among organisms and their changing relationships with each other and their environment both in time and space . ’
18 For the women 's movement now this is one of the most important issues we have to deal with — our relationships with each other and the eradication of all the oppressions we have inherited from capitalist patriarchy .
19 The clue to the crime , if crime there was , must be in the human beings themselves , and in their relationships with each other .
20 Variations in intra-organizational transmission will reflect the internal composition of enterprise actors , their relationships with each other , and also the external relations of each with other parts of the state .
21 These fishing fleets would continue to be a hazard for reconnaissance parties , and by the summer of 1943 there were often several German guards with each fleet to prevent the smuggling of people or information between the Allies and occupied territories .
22 Within groups — collections of individuals , with no special ties with each other , grew into closely-knit groups ; the group climate changed from being play-orientated to work orientated , and leadership tended to become more autocratic ; each group became more highly structured and put a much greater emphasis on loyalty and conformity .
23 The small party of Norwegians with each commando Troop acted as interpreters for this and other intelligence , leading to the Gestapo chief — a fat man in a dark suit — squealing his protest at capture within a quarter of an hour of the landing .
24 He went to meet them as they scrambled from the bus , hand extended in welcome , greeting them individually by name and exchanging a few words with each one .
25 The colour is produced by imperfections and impurities in the diamond , for example , a yellow colour results when the diamond contains nitrogen atoms clustered together in equilateral triangles with each nitrogen atom replacing one carbon atom of the perfect diamond ( Figure 4 ) .
26 ‘ No , ’ she said desperately , and turned and walked away , mingling with the throng that shuffled through the narrow streets rubbing shoulders with each other .
27 If we look at the reasons why kin shared homes with each other in the past , three themes emerge which help us further to understand why there have been fluctuations in co-residence .
28 texts which reinforce undeviating sex roles with each novel studied : For example , in Kes , Mrs Casper , neglectful and ineffectual as a parent , appears to be responsible for Billy 's aberrant behaviour , while the absconding father is romanticized and apparently blameless .
29 Do an equal number of steps with each leg in front and record them here .
30 Do an equal number of steps with each leg in front and record them here .
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