Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Mr Maxwell , I understand only too well that you would like to pay this ransom as quickly as possible and take no risks and that since I want to catch these kidnappers , we are working at cross purposes to a certain extent .
2 Such position-taking obviously involves risks and if expectations were incorrect and bond prices rise rather than fall then market makers with short positions will incur losses .
3 Erm , if you compare for example erm their real savings on er er budgetary items er it comes to about half a million , just over half a million er compared to the ones we 're putting forward about a third of million and if you look at the dips in the two budgets for that you 'll see that erm we disagree with their saving on community arts and that er they propose saving on in on information technology costs is unrealistic er that market is changing very rapidly there 's another large organisation in this city which has found us going down track which we are now proposing to down , has produced no income at all , no no no reduction in cost at all .
4 In the stories told above , it is obvious that the richness of aspectual information comes from their visual — spatial characteristics and that there is an appeal to the visual imagery of the receiver in telling the stories .
5 Here was a march for political purposes with racial characteristics and though legal and provided with police protection , it was to become the subject of great protest before it began .
6 Are the people different in their social characteristics and if so why ?
7 Now this will affect a vast area of atmosphere , because the air moving over that sea surface tends to take up the characteristics and if the temperature 's higher on the sea surface than normal , the air becomes warmer than normal , and this sets up all sorts of reactions , it will probably produce a lot more clouds , for instance , and erm this in turn will cut off the sun 's rays from that area of atmosphere , and this will have an effect on the whole erm heat engine of the atmosphere as we know it so erm we 're now studying how far afield this is affecting the weather .
8 Please pray that the Lord would heal Joel 's ears and that the family would continue to know the Lord 's blessings as they serve Him out in Brazil .
9 And although I could still hear the screams and although they were real and terrible I slept well and late .
10 In healthcare settings and when giving first aid there are various routine hygiene precautions which should always be followed .
11 ‘ One member of my crew was hit between the legs and although he got ashore and was able to walk he was a very worried man until the M.O .
12 She ironed the covers and as she sat sewing them up round the cushions she felt her energy ebb and realised she was very chilly , and oh how the flesh above her knees ached !
13 They tackled like demons and when they were able to run the ball back at the Londoners their refusal to capitulate eventually wore down the opposition .
14 It would n't have taken much brains to realise that Leeds would have a large number of travelling fans and that they would like to eat .
15 Instead of hatchets they have fans and as they pass through the soldiers ' camp they hit the soldiers and say : " There you are dead . "
16 The only way we can actually go about it is that if we use these cramps and if you remember me telling you , or I do hint every now and then , make sure you keep the cramps straight parallel to the rails , and that 's the reason why because it 'll fall straight , now if something 's in twist and we want to bring it back again , what you do is if it 's in twist that way , you put the cramp as I 've done these slightly up
17 They fail as husbands and as wives —
18 The normal bass roll-off of -6dB by 38Hz is low enough to lend a convincing weight to the majority of signals and if the bass seems initially a little ‘ polite ’ to some ears it is only because it is tight , with little or no hangover — the dual coupled-cavity technique really does give a positive ‘ start and stop ’ throughout its range .
19 Bream are not great fighters and if you got one on then you knew it would stay on ; the trouble was getting one on in the first place !
20 ‘ We 're freedom fighters and as such we 're all free to look like whoever we want .
21 Visual information and not just , you know , kids and or whatever the popular press thinks you are .
22 We hardly saw the kids and when we did , we were nasty-tempered with them and each other .
23 A lot of people who I 'd just describe as having I du n no , people with real dignity and real sense of pride who manage to bring up their kids and and survive in a decent way , in quite a hostile environment .
24 The marginal platforms appear to have prograded over the top of the mud aprons and when combined with the latter , form lenticular bodies of sediments ( Figs .
25 They are not mind readers and unless you explain , in some detail , what you are trying to achieve with a particular photograph they will not be able to do their best work .
26 But the point is that if , if musicians go to service , they know there 's enough readers and if the musicians decide to take on part of that reading one service , surely it 's only courtesy for the musicians to say to the readers , whose lists are published months in advance , terribly sorry but we 're gon na do this this time , and do you mind stepping down ?
27 Our wind playing , however , is an incredibly high standard and what we have got in our orchestras are brilliant sight readers and if you want a sort of erm an orchestra to learn something then an English orchestra will take , I do n't know , a quarter of the time that any other Continental orchestra will take .
28 At the further confidential statement by Mr runs to four pages er , sorry , I 'm sorry , runs to four paragraphs and because of the insight into the plaintiff before the accident I will read it in its entirety .
29 Or you may want to do discussions sessions and and er try and content analyse or discourse analyse the discussions .
30 This baby has gone into one of his frenetic football sessions and if I move it 'll set him off again ! ’
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