Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 However , the renaming of revered academically institutions has not been without problems .
2 The prevalence of this dimension of psychiatric disturbance in institutions has not been reported .
3 However , approval from the relevant authorities has not yet been gained .
4 Whilst the general power to cap the rates of all authorities has not yet been used , the switch in emphasis from concern with local government spending to local authority spending has nevertheless been marked .
5 Where God has spoken and spoken clearly , rationality comes into its own ; where God has not spoken , or for his own reasons has not spoken clearly , there is the area of mystery .
6 Whether MDC's co-operative outlook would survive market-led development pressures that contravene local authority or community wishes has not yet been tested .
7 The recent history of community care projects has not been encouraging ( Grundy , 1986 , p. 22 ) But this is precisely the sort of area to which research needs to be directed in the immediate future of relative demographic stability , because it is so crucial and because our ignorance of future patterns of demand is so great .
8 Choice between these competing theories of relationship among the Recent forms has not received consensus ( compare refs 23 , 24 to refs 21 , 22 , 25 ) .
9 So far the volume of queries has not been large , but this probably reflects the fact that many users get help from other users at their institution .
10 Although these parameters are well cited in the prediction of melting temperatures for defined-sequences RNA duplexes , the striking relationship between the enthalpy and entropy of stacking interactions has not previously been highlighted in the manner shown .
11 They 're furious that a promised reduction in hours has n't happened , although health chiefs say they 're doing all they can .
12 The new phenomenon of a deficit on manufactured trade has not , however , created any crisis in the UK 's international position : even the decline in net exports of manufactures has not fulfilled the prediction implicit in the adage ‘ export or die ’ .
13 The abolition of those taxes has not done the average family any good , has it , or those at Lloyd 's ?
14 An in vivo uptake of polypeptides by the human enterocytes has not been demonstrated previously , and the zonula occludens ( tight junction ) between the cells is usually considered impermeable to macromolecules in man under physiological conditions .
15 Pleas from the Prince of Wales for corporate help to rebuild the inner cities has not fallen on deaf ears .
16 British farmers received no warnings and use of the fungicides has not been cut in Britain .
17 The firmness of the houses has not changed ; a few may have become offices , or been sub-divided into what must surely be splendid apartments , but the depth of the society persists .
18 ‘ My respectful study of other religions has not abated my reverence for or my faith in the Hindu scriptures .
19 what is sad to see is that a player like tony dorigo has not yet scored a goal this season and the same for kelly — that is : our wide defenders has not ( yet ) been a threat to the opposite team — which — if i rememeber correctly — did happen a couple of seasons back with both Love-Machine Sterland and Tony getting the occasional goal .
20 Goodwill generated from the Bank ‘ many and varied sponsorships has not often been converted directly into banking business .
21 In their defence , however , it has to be admitted that the drafting of contracts has not always been perfect , particularly in the simpler forms , where clarity has sometimes been sacrificed to brevity .
22 According to SPAG 's Michel Hordies , ‘ the actual functionality of OSI products has n't been described clearly enough ’ .
23 I think he is security cos he 's been in a couple of times has n't he ?
24 Mrs has got to work with the times has n't she ?
25 The housewife of modern times has not yet been invented .
26 It 's been for sale for ages has n't it ?
27 Well it 's been gone , it 's been built for a year er er er er it 's been up for ages has n't it ?
28 The month-old ‘ final offensive ’ has been most successful this year because a split that erupted last August among rebel ranks has not yet been patched up in the face of Khartoum 's assaults .
29 The law of diminishing returns has not applied to food production in the countries which have undergone the industrial revolution , although there have been periodic crises , such as the Irish famine of 1845–6 , to remind us that Malthus was not completely wrong .
30 Tremendous publicity was given to the circumstances in which this movie had been made and to the way in which the director had shot some forty reels ; ‘ the eight-hour day for movie fans has not yet dawned ’ was the thankful comment of Robert Sherwood , but few critics doubted that the film conveyed much of the anger , ugliness , and brutality of the novel .
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