Example sentences of "[noun pl] that might " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps , for instance , a case could be made for discouraging risks that might lead to a person 's loss of employment , if their chances of gaining another job were remote .
2 Pearson uses the concept of uncertainty to offer a matrix which directs attention to characteristics that might reduce the risks of innovation .
3 We do not distinguish experiences from non-experiences as we might distinguish oranges from apples , viz. by indicating certain characteristics that might enable anyone , including those who have never tasted either fruit , to tell one from the other .
4 However , ‘ selective rationalization ’ was sufficiently widespread for Townsend and Peck ( 1985c ) and Watts and Stafford ( 1986 , 216 ) to draw up typologies of plants ' locational and other characteristics that might affect the probabilities of closure .
5 Most documents have many characteristics that might be identified by a searcher as the criterion by which the document would be selected as relevant .
6 A short fence prevented the escape of animals that might attempt to swim the river .
7 Dr Piperno studies phytoliths — small pieces of silica that plants lay down in their tissues to discourage animals that might want to eat them .
8 What is questioned is the kind of methods that might be employed to bring about conversions .
9 This includes a £13m provision ‘ against the potential losses that might arise ’ from its one-fifth holding in Drayton , whose shares have slumped from 409p a year ago to 176p .
10 And where the members genuinely have control over the board it is legitimate to regard them as partly responsible for any losses that might result , and hence to view it as inappropriate for the court to come to their aid .
11 The rationale for the bearish money spread is easy to see ; it limits the potential losses that might be incurred by writing a call .
12 ‘ PF4 may also be too toxic for use in humans , ’ says Folkman , ‘ but it will give us a scientific lead to other compounds that might stop tumour growth . ’
13 I said , and it is engraved on my mind , ‘ you should get an inorganic chemist to make some interesting compounds that might possibly show the dd fusion and wait .
14 However , there are other compounds that might also be helping with it .
15 He had a lean face and dark eyes that might have come from either his Gaelic or Jewish ancestry .
16 But more compelling were her dark expressive eyes , eyes that had widened with shock on seeing Tyler there , eyes that might have spoken to him of anger but instead had betrayed something much deeper , and far more dangerous .
17 His frowning gaze swept over her and there was a glint in the blue eyes that might have been intimidating if she were n't so angry .
18 With luck , their homes would not be burgled and any disputes that might subsequently arise over their property would be swiftly resolved on production of those impressive-looking deeds , some of them so old that they bore the colophon of the Sublime Porte .
19 It will be of immense help to people who need to discover who owns a particular property or piece of land and to solve any disputes that might occur over ownership .
20 The argument also ignores the type of considerations that might determine the present non-use of these sophisticated weapons , such as the fear of complete destruction and total annihilation , rather than a greater degree of ahi sā , or love and concern for others .
21 The employees then went on to David , who tested heart and lungs and talked to each of them to ascertain whether there were any personal anxieties that might affect their role in management .
22 For the supporters that might signal the end .
23 Can you suggest any other method of allocation of records to addresses that might reduce both wasted space and numbers of synonyms ?
24 This is not , perhaps , the best year for Britain to act as host to open the series , for the entry tomorrow is clearly affected by Commonwealth Games training schedules as well as the fact that the English Cross Country Union has not found a sponsor who can provide the money for trust funds that might have enticed more prominent athletes .
25 Concern that this uncontrolled expansion of the private sector had been siphoning off funds that might have been more cost effectively used in home based community care led to the government commissioning reviews of resource management and quality of care .
26 Here , the objective has been to involve the local community , first , in awareness of its own problems , provision of access to relevant information about them , and the alternative solutions that might be constructed to solve them ; and , second , in the development of local community groups , concerned partly with further analysis and discussion , partly with building community consciousness and collective involvement , and partly with community action to improve conditions and ameliorate problems .
27 But of course it is one thing to argue for change , and to explain ( as preceding pages have tried to do ) the readiness and degree of involvement of para.professional colleagues and groups ; it is quite another to analyse in helpful detail the types of learning systems and units that might be relevant , and their implications in terms of planning and organized provision .
28 We would also welcome any suggestions you may have on subjects that might be included in the programme .
29 Why are they resisting those arguments , or seeing them as concessions that might be made during negotiations ?
30 Much of the stock consists of books that might be found elsewhere — though rarely in such a comprehensive collection .
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