Example sentences of "[noun pl] be in " in BNC.

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1 All of these institutions are in conflict with their counterparts in Belorussia and with the top Soviet nuclear institute , the Moscow-controlled All-Union Centre for Radiation Research .
2 In the USA big name institutions are in the race : Princeton , Los Alamos , MIT .
3 Conflict of Interest Rules : financial institutions are in a unique position of trust when handling funds belonging to the public .
4 Will he now look at those matters seriously because , in the present recession , those institutions are in a grievous plight about which the Minister must do something ?
5 Labour 's spending pledges are in an equal muddle to its policy position , which was described , in two separate New Statesman and Society articles last week and this week as being meaningless .
6 However , planning ahead may not always be possible — for example if your circumstances change quickly or vacancies are in short supply .
7 By far the greatest proportion of the world 's metals mines are in places where the relatively old mineral-bearing rock is near to the surface .
8 Those 10 mines are in Yorkshire , the north-east , Nottinghamshire , the Midlands and Wales .
9 Follies are in their way heroic , ’ William Feaver has commented on these grand narratives , aligning them with the epic paintings by the vainglorious diarist , Benjamin Robert Haydon .
10 The Notes are in eight languages : English , French , Italian , Spanish , Arabic , Greek , Japanese and Portuguese .
11 He says it 's hard at first because the notes are in different places .
12 None has explicitly stated that married women who provide security for their husband 's debts are in no different position from other sureties .
13 After all , salesforce personnel are in close contact with the people who actually make up the market , and ought to have the most detailed knowledge about how it is likely to behave in the near future .
14 These satellites are in geostationary orbit and the images that they provide are used primarily in weather forecasting applications .
15 Other satellites are in a near-polar orbit which takes them over the Arctic and Antarctic regions .
16 Above all , where ideologies are in conflict , the appeal to the imagined community of the nation appears to have defeated all challengers .
17 Where ideologies are in conflict , the appeal to the imagined community of the nation appears to have defeated all challengers .
18 At the time of writing , the proposal has been approved and discussions are in progress on the location of the agency 's headquarters .
19 No counsel appearing on this appeal has attempted to defend those findings of fact or suggest that the reasons are in any way adequate .
20 Since much of equity returns are in the form of capital gains , at least in the long run , which are taxed only on realisation , personal tax on equity returns is generally in effect much lower than that on the returns to investing in a company 's debt .
21 If , therefore , prisoners are in future to be told the judicial recommendation as to the tariff period , many judges may think it appropriate to announce their own recommendations publicly in court when passing sentence .
22 The theory is that the prisoners are in harmony with their surroundings and custodians , so they 'll become better citizens on their release .
23 ‘ Audited accounts are in any event only one of the sources of information which a prudent banker takes into account .
24 If a project is a genuine community-based initiative creating jobs and providing a service for the community , and if its management and accounts are in order , it is utterly unacceptable that it should not receive funding on the basis of its alleged political associations .
25 In preparing this report they must carry out such investigations as will enable them to form an opinion on ( a ) whether proper accounting records have been kept by the company and whether proper returns adequate for their audit have been received from branches which they have not visited and ( b ) whether the company 's individual accounts are in agreement with the accounting records and returns .
26 Balance sheets are usually produced for each account , but the operating accounts are in much more detail : the General Fund will be segregated into , for example , education , public health , roads .
27 And although these exceptions will grow with the introduction and development of Executive Agencies , the overwhelming majority of what are called the appropriation accounts are in a form prescribed by the Treasury .
28 " I suspect that the whole concern is insolvent , but the group accounts are in a fearful muddle .
29 The accounts are in an appalling state . "
30 Duties are specific to each profession or kind of work , whereas wishes are in general a reflection in the working context of the kinds of personal values that people hold .
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