Example sentences of "[noun pl] come the " in BNC.

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1 Hard on his heels came the pursuit , and at the head of the pursuers was Richard .
2 Crashing merrily on their heels came the newcomers , horseman after horseman , knights and squires and grooms , flashing the red and green mascles of the Earl of Kent 's livery .
3 Through hidden speakers came the rhythmic itch of cicadas .
4 During the following two months came the first reports of Baghdad 's retaliation at the frontier town of Halabjah , in PUK territory , where aircraft were said to have dropped bombs containing poison gas .
5 In Twoflower 's ears came the strange shrill twittering of the Things locked in the distant dungeon Dimensions , out beyond the fragile lattice of time and space .
6 In her ears came the sound of staggering pursuit , added to the hysterical yapping of the over-excited terrier .
7 Kate Melville and Sue d'Argy Smith , whose daughters left the Church , as so many do , just before they became nubile , each took a hand and gave it a sharp pull , and over their heads came the long arms of Gordon the Bachelor , whose fingers stroked my hair , as countless other key personnel in the body of Christendom , South Wimbledon , stroked , shoved , pulled and all but carried me towards the stage on which I was supposed to pour out the secrets of my heart .
8 To add to his triumphs came the peace conference which began in Paris in February 1856 and which ended not merely with the signing of a peace treaty but also coincidentally with the birth of a son on 16 March 1856 .
9 Salvation is through the Jews , she often quoted Father Franklin who baptized her , for through the Jews came the Law , through the Jews came Christ , the Son of God was born a Jew , and the Holy Mother of God was a Jew and married a Jew .
10 Cash bonuses come the way of the super seasiders whom Byrne plays 15 first team matches and wins his first full cap .
11 do n't that put you off when drivers come the other way and you 've got right of way and they always go , and they go past
12 From later Marxists comes the idea that individuals ' daily lives are caught up in quite distinct local forms of social relation .
13 From the need to produce videos of Virgin artists came the idea of distributing them on a commercial basis as well through their own distribution company ; and within two years Virgin were busily developing their own , European version of MTV , Music Box .
14 With the estates came the service of the existing duchy officials , but the queen was also able to establish her own connection there , and several of her servants and kinsmen were subsequently rewarded from the duchy .
15 With the estates came the service of the existing duchy officials , but the queen was also able to establish her own connection there , and several of her servants and kinsmen were subsequently rewarded from the duchy .
16 And out of the dark woods came the black man , leading his horse on one arm , and on the other a tall grey hound with the saddest face I have ever seen on any creature .
17 A year ago they would have replied in kind ; now from a hundred throats came the new cry : ‘ Vive l'Empereur ! ’ with if anything even greater fervour .
18 From the direction of the grandstands came the sound of cheers and applause .
19 But for decades to come the countries in which this happened were politically important as fields for the rivalries and ambitions of the European imperial powers rather than in their own right .
20 With signal-boxes came the dawn
21 At the end of the list of ingredients came the contentious E numbers which had annoyed Mrs Green .
22 Leeds ’ possesion play was excellent , and I do n't think that they will be far away from honours come the new season ’
23 In years to come the commercialisation of BR via sectorisation could well be seen by historians as important as grouping and nationalisation .
24 In years to come the percentage difference is likely to be much larger .
25 Although it will probably never be a picture postcard village , during the last two or three years some farmers have started to replace the hedges that were removed a generation ago , and to plant trees , so perhaps in years to come the parish will again look something like the pictures of it in days gone by , less bleak and windswept than it does today .
26 This is less satisfactory for the vendor , however , as it will remain liable as tenant of the landlord and there is a risk that in years to come the purchaser may be unable to pay the rent .
27 The answer to it I just do n't know , but the Food Safety Act deals with some of the future , some of the future objectives in terms of better training for people who handle food , and tighter controls on food businesses , so it 's something to look forward to , and hopefully in years to come the figure will begin to drop .
28 From the kitchens came the new master , carrying an armful of cardboard chain-mail .
29 More than three years came the answer .
30 Between the elephants come the drummers , the fire-eaters , musicians and religious and traditional dancers .
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