Example sentences of "[noun pl] so they " in BNC.

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1 Erm , but it 's impressive that he now feels we should be allowed to spend more money to create jobs , because of course a lot of us have been trying to point that out for years to the governments which stupidly cap authorities so they ca n't actually carry out the infrastructure improvements that are needed to enable the economy and the society to function properly .
2 and lots of fun activities so they go and they do little trips out
3 doing would be to say , would you project engineers er or , or engineers collect the in information on site , provide it to the quantity surveyors so they can check it against the spirit of the contract , and make sure that er what 's proposed to be certified they 're happy with .
4 It does n't mean to say they do n't like participating , but they 'd like to you know see what the group view is before they put in their own views so they 're analyzing , thinking .
5 Anyway , we 're going to talk about coordinating readers and musicians so they can double do it if they wish .
6 That would take ages so they 're having land reform as a means to an end and that how that it 's improving living standards of peasants so that they get mass support , land reform was the only political option they had .
7 So we know , we should and remember of course that in the book Freud chooses two examples as Joy told me the church and the army and these are just examples and of course Freud chooses them partly because they 're very big groups so they in some ways they er exemplify the principles he 's talking about because clearly in a small group like this you could say well look , what is going on is really I mean we all have , we all know each other and it 's a face-to-face group and really what happens here is an of the dynamics group and I think it is actually .
8 We 're gon na get em trained up in the garages before we actually launch , but they are able now to say they are approved installers so they will be getting all the stuff , everything in relation to it , I 've given em a list of the people involved in Nottinghamshire and it 's the launch is on the seventh March at West Bridgford , and basically the system is ready and up and running , thank the Lord after hard work by er Keith and us all at various times , but it 's been mainly down to Keith .
9 Yeah erm that might be true but then sometimes it can be an adventure to put ideas in people 's heads so they actually write something
10 they were n't , they were n't gentlemen so they could n't be er they could n't be officers .
11 Th th the final the final sort of sick joke was the fact that erm having having disposed of the fingers to the theatre , the hospital they 'd got this box of ice lollies so they proceeded then to give them to people !
12 Er I was at Portugal , we had fancied going to America but er my husband 's young brother and his wife want to come with us this year and they 've got two young kids so they felt it was far enough for them .
13 I think they were frightening years ago when they , when we were kids so they 're frightening places .
14 Pete says nobody 's pointed a finger , can we get big fobs on like hotel keys so they do n't take the damn things home or leave them in their pockets .
15 and what they took all the treasures down into the cellars so they were saved and they rebuilt it .
16 and er they had to call us in , well Dick went out and er I think it was actually two separate visits so they must of , cos they 're refurbishing the place you see so they must of moved into one office and thought oh you know this do n't work , move into another office the day after , well this do n't work either and he , he actually did two separate visits , whether they 'll actually bill them for it I do n't know , but I mean it 's a minimum of an hour in both cases so
17 for the sake of , for the sake of a few bands that we do , I mean most of the bands on the local level are used to playing in pubs so they just had to play on the floor anyway and the rest of it
18 And maybe hope that we as , as people as women need to do is regain control of our lives so they , they belong to us , so it does n't matter if if boys say we 've got fat bottoms or not , yo you say my bottom 's alright an and you live with that .
19 It 's nothing to do with T N T or anything er at all , it 's just er they that organization has wro written to a number of large companies and asked them to er record er , so many , er tapes so they can analyse it .
20 Educational Business Partnership which is part of Greater Nottingham Tec , major funders so they are er taking over the erm design centre on for a week .
21 But they 've got both you see and they refer to them as the ducks or the drakes so they
22 Cos the military situation that it er well from er says you know they realized , apparently , that it was gon na take at least seven years to win over the nationalists so they
23 Oh I 'm not just a pretty face I do n't remember what dates it has , make up three appropriate dates So they 're both coming at half past twelve , yeah ?
24 Going to be er quite a a lot on the Moors so they reckon .
25 The two figures have been kind of squelched together just as in , in Exodus there are two , sorry in erm in er Genesis there are two er Garden of Eden stories so they claim there are two Moses figures who have been erm as it were compounded together , but both of them says Freud were powerful religious leaders and they probably did give their followers moral principles , perhaps not exactly as we have but something very like it and so Freud is not sceptical about that .
26 They 'll knit that on these machines so they 'll stitch transfer , they 'll cable , they 'll , they 'll do base .
27 And the , the pressure for change builds up and as the changes begin to happen , new values , new attitudes become dominant which in turn affects how people see things so they become interested in yet greater changes .
28 But when yo when you walk in the door , I mean , first Stuart knew so he that 's why he took me in , and we walk in and there 's a head waiter would you like a table for two sir would you like a non smoking or a smo and then he showed you to your table and pulled your chair , you know , I mean tha not what you expect in a tea shop or coffee place you know i ha ha and they have proper waitresses with the little hat on , you know she 'll get about four tables so they 're looking after you and even on your saucer where you had your I mean yo your teapot and everything on the saucer 's a little mat so that you do n't drip , if it drips
29 That 's a gallon per minute times forty minutes then cancel with gallons so they 're going to charge you for two hundred and forty gallons .
30 And er said about it 's a regular and er they 're doing it proper , they 're putting them on jigs so they 're welding them and they 're out of line and all sorts !
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