Example sentences of "[noun pl] can then " in BNC.

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1 The definitions and expansions of various words can then be compared with this list to check for membership .
2 The separate recordings can then be viewed after the event and decisions about how to edit taken at that point .
3 The role of environment and inherited characteristics can then be separately assessed by studying how often both twins with each type of background suffer from psychiatric disorder .
4 Any suspicious images can then be double-checked by a radiologist before any decision is taken to treat the patient .
5 DHAs can then concentrate on ensuring that the health needs of the population for which they are responsible are met ; that there are effective services for the prevention and control of disease and the promotion of health ; that their population has access to a comprehensive range of high quality , value for money services ; and on setting targets for and monitoring the performance of those management units for which they continue to have responsibility .
6 When this happens the thin walls of the tubes are able to buckle , the helical fibrillae can then straighten themselves out and so the cell is enabled to elongate under the tensile load by something like 20 percent .
7 The pictures can then be made as a set right from the beginning , rather than just hanging together three or four pictures that you have already made , in the hope that they will be complementary .
8 Insurers can then fix premiums intelligently , and people can make intelligent decisions about what kind and how much insurance to buy and what risks to run .
9 All the entries can then be perused at leisure in a popular year-long exhibition in the foyer of the Ark Restaurant .
10 Clergy can then ‘ do what lies within them to bring people to know God . ’
11 Mutual , realistic goals can then be set to prevent potential problems from becoming actual ones ; to alleviate or solve the actual problems ; or to help the patient cope with those which can not be alleviated or solved .
12 Bearing in mind what the patient can and can not do for himself , the nursing interventions to achieve the set goals can then be selected according to local circumstances and available resources .
13 Hundreds of customers ' details can be stored on one diskette , as can whole spreadsheets , and the diskettes can then be kept safely in a secure place away from the computer .
14 The different expectancies generated by these cues can then , it is supposed , themselves serve as cues .
15 Once the phonetic context has been established , detailed acoustic cues can then be used to select the correct answer from the small set of candidate words . ’
16 These baby universes can then join back on somewhere else .
17 The component subskills can then be described as being automatised — the movements occur as the position of the pen demands them , without the writer having consciously to calculate them .
18 The classic oligopoly models can then be thought of as one-shot , non-co-operative games to which the NE concept can be applied to find a solution .
19 The lizards can then rest on the warm substrate , and seek shelter for the rest of the day .
20 Their own analyses can then be used to diagnose qualitative information from articles and brokers ' reports .
21 Having discussed the above ideas for the sites in an area , various analyses can then be tried out to examine the relationships between settlements which could have interesting and important implications .
22 Colourful pictorial brochures are circulated to all conference agencies and enquirers can then contact and discuss package deals with the hotels offering the services .
23 If required , these transactions can then be segmented into different forms of payment to facilitate identification .
24 These grammars can then be applied to the coded corpus , with the intention of identifying the premodifiers , kernel and postmodifiers of each definition .
25 Inadequacies can then be noted and remedied .
26 The sheaves can then be ‘ stooked ’ into fours , sixes , or eights , or loaded onto tripods to dry and harden .
27 Such regularly superimposed implications can then become quite hard to disentangle from sentence or literal meaning ; in order to prise them apart , the theorist has to construct or observe contexts in which the usual pragmatic implications do not hold .
28 It 's desirable to lodge at the District Registry an approved estate plan ( two copies ) ; searches by individual buyers can then be made by reference to the plot number alone .
29 This has to be done by the Tuesday before the weekly Friday sale so that potential buyers can then tune in to an electronic preview of the lots to be offered together with their weights , breed and feed methods .
30 These semantic classes can then be used to define a sublanguage semantic grammar , which constitutes a further level of semantic constraint on the text .
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