Example sentences of "[noun pl] will [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Tina uttered another peal of happy laughter , put her arms round her mother 's shoulders , squeezing her , and using the pet name Cecilia loved , treasured and secretly longed to hear , said , ‘ Do n't you worry , little mum , my kids 'll always be all right , that 's the way they are , they 're like me .
2 Dams will not be built , and roads will not be laid in case they wipe out a rare plant species that could yield a new organic hair conditioner for Westerners to enjoy .
3 But fears abound that the dams will actually increase floods or at least their effects , by destroying the protective surrounding forests .
4 Many compound French words will also lose their hyphens .
5 But an accumulation of words will not show you what it is like .
6 Good words will not give me back my children …
7 Good words will not give my people good health and stop them from dying .
8 Good words will not get my people a home where they can live in peace , and take care of themselves .
9 ‘ Heaven and earth will pass away , but my words will not pass away . ’
10 Since the mere association of words will not unambiguously point to meaning , the words need to be set down in a particular arrangement .
11 Fine words will not bring a GATT deal — especially if mixed with threats
12 Comprehension depends upon rapid work recognition , for if the reader is devoting time and attention to the individual words , then the relationships between words will not be appreciated and the integration of word meanings will not be calculated .
13 For example , when we speak we tend to express ourselves in short sentences — more " full stops ’ — but in the written language the same ideas are more usually expressed in longer sentences — more commas — and the style and the choice of words will not always be the same .
14 The plaintiff will plead the most exaggerated meanings that his counsel considers the words will conceivably bear , in order to maximise the insult and humiliation ( and hence the damages ) .
15 In the name of a claimed desire to simplify current spelling and remove anomalies and contradictions , it is now decreed , for example , that plurals of all foreign words will henceforth take an s , as in French .
16 All compound words will henceforth take an s ( or x , as appropriate ) in the plural .
17 Although not foolproof ( rare compounds of high frequency words will still be permitted ) this has removed many of the rare compounds .
18 The important thing to note is that such words will only have a value charge as part of their standard meaning , if the users of the language mostly have a certain shared attitude to what answers to the descriptive meaning .
19 But words will never hurt me , ’
20 Too short a list means that the input words will quite often be missed , and too long a list can mean that the list of allowable candidate strings is vast , and will often contain words that most people would not recognise as English words .
21 Replies are coming in thick and fast to the invitations , and as yet there have been no refusals — the charm of McBride and his way with words will undoubtedly see that there will be a full quota on parade .
22 The extent that such voluntary information disclosures can be explained by these specific company characteristics will then be explored .
23 Over 60 trade stands will now be housed indoors alongside the new arena — ideal for the first of your Christmas shopping !
24 IBM Corp 's Digital Domain Inc special effects — FX as they are known in the trade — company , which brings the company together with writer , director and producer James Cameron , Academy Award winning character creator Stan Winston and special visual effects studio executive Scott Ross ( CI No 2,116 ) will locate its facilities in the Los Angeles area and plans to combine the latest digital technology with a unique ‘ creator interactive ’ philosophy , IBM says , offering a full range of special visual effects services for feature films , television , commercials and simulator attractions ; high resolution moving images will fundamentally change applications and their development as we know them today , IBM reckons .
25 If the object-glass of a refractor or the mirror of a reflector is of poor quality , the images will also be poor — and a bad telescope does not always betray itself at a glance .
26 The images will then be displayed in Edinburgh during a meeting of the European heads of government .
27 When ‘ PURPLE ’ has yielded to some new variation on Silk Cut 's eternal thematics , and when the airline traveller with egg on his face has faded from the public consciousness on which it will have so briefly impinged , Magritte 's images will still be there , mysterious and self-sufficient .
28 When the Labour party issued a statement of post-war aims in 1943 ( The Colonies : the Labour Party 's post-war policy for the African and Pacific colonies ) , it affirmed : ‘ For a considerable time to come these peoples will not be ready for self-government , and European peoples and States must be responsible for the administration of their territories . ’
29 The class between the virtuosi will however not be disappointed in finding good instruments to fit every taste and every pocket .
30 From year to year foxes will traditionally use the same earths .
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