Example sentences of "[adv] for another " in BNC.

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1 Thirdly , observer ( signal detection ) bias , which may occur when a particular sign or symptom signals the observer to look more intensely for another sign or symptom .
2 He faced to the front again then turned back more slowly for another look .
3 At the current rate of use of some 1.5 x 10 12 cubic metres per year , this should be enough for another 50 years or so .
4 Enough for another chunk each . ’
5 ‘ We 're safe enough for another night . ’
6 It hurt her to think that Fernando cared deeply enough for another woman to do it .
7 Then on it went inexorably for another sixty-five minutes …
8 When the Monday 's play was then completely washed out too , England had to accept that they were not going to square the series and could hope only for another draw .
9 ‘ It 's only for another few days then I 'll sign off , ’ Dad promised .
10 If only for another five minutes . ’
11 She was sure it would get Edouard and his wife into trouble , and she kept saying it was only for another day or two . ’
12 It was only for another week .
13 Still it 's only for another day .
14 See inside for another first from Oxford !
15 Friedrich Bremer has waited long for another victim , and is eager to begin .
16 It takes so long for another type to convince the B t 's that it is z = 0 , that any long run benefit from this is outweighed by the cost , of acquiring such a reputation .
17 At precisely the right moment , a heavily-built fellow with a black beard arrived and paced about , staring this way and that as if waiting impatiently for another to arrive .
18 The term ‘ permanent ’ is something of a misnomer , for the content of any pasture is constantly changing as conditions become more favourable for one species and less for another ; it applies only to the fact that a pasture remains in grass for an indefinite period .
19 However , now that the resources for higher education — both for research and teaching — are limited or declining , more money for one department often means less for another .
20 But I still had doubts about giving up my job at Lloyds insurance firm , so for another year ( they were yearly contracts then ) I was allowed to keep the job , training two nights a week and playing in the reserves .
21 So for another few weeks or months the question of the unification of weak and electromagnetic interactions is still open .
22 If a thing is objectively so for one choice of means it is so for another ; it is a contradiction to estimate the capabilities of a subject class or race in one way when they are tractable and in another when they are not .
23 But now I really can not justify repacking them and squirrelling them away for another 40 years .
24 Then , again inevitably , we turn away for another change of view , perhaps this time towards the Propylaea and Nike Apteros .
25 ‘ You wo n't get away for another day or two .
26 Worked out less than , I do n't know and they give us all the posters and everything , so weekend I 'm gon na send away for another seventy
27 The awful thing is that the movies that I 've been involved with in the last erm few years have entailed my being abroad a great deal , and I was made in New York entirely and I was there for six or seven months , and the difficulty is that when you then make the movie and you take it round the world , you 're away for another three or four months and so you end up being out of the country for quite a long time , so I 've been nothing like as active with the university .
28 Silver cutlery , candlelight , linen napkins and unobtrusive service all encourage you to linger over your meal — and return soon for another .
29 The drivers piled them into cars and drove off to return shortly for another load .
30 So stick together lads just for another week , whatever we we do , if we go back to work or if we stay out , it 'll be because of a unanimous vote or a majority vote in this lodge , you know w we came out together , we 'll go back together or we 'll stay out together .
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