Example sentences of "[adv] it and " in BNC.

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1 No that 's , that 's , that 's basically it and the other points that you 've covered of course .
2 A steering group , chaired by Sir Geoffrey Crowther ( and including among its members Sir William Holford ) , was appointed to act alongside it and to give an independent opinion on the recommendations of the study group , as they emerged .
3 Although it was recovering after a revamp , only it and the Mail on Sunday , boosted by massive spending on advertising , were actually gaining readers .
4 Of the four Constitutions , only it and Lumen Gentium are called ‘ Dogmatic ’ , indicating a more formal doctrinal authority .
5 Gentleman , this is to quaint you all of you cor Serning the Billing of this workhous think to starve the poore theare Stephen Wite Stratford Lews of Barfield Wile of TataSon Loyd hintlesham but let them tak care of thin Selves for farit that is hap on shall there Brains be Blown out and that as sure as death and fail not and the hous shall not be bilt a toyle for theare shall be 500 planted soon and will di all it and pull Wiles hous down .
6 You do n't have to get inside it and keep adjusting and adjusting it like you do with some others .
7 Rokeya 's flat was so precisely as Lee remembered it that she felt as if no time had passed between the last time she had been inside it and the present day .
8 When Jarvis came to take over the house , although a good many people had been inside it and others had lived in it , the chair and the stool were still in the bellringer 's room .
9 When Georgiades and he were standing inside it and the carpet replaced the wall looked like any other wall .
10 And , anyway it and it , cos the them like a lot of that type of thing .
11 Over the years , a good many bouncers have been sent down and several batsmen have been injured , especially around the head ; this is because , unlike most of his colleagues , his bouncers usually go through at head height rather than above it and so are particularly awkward .
12 There is still a naval establishment at the water 's edge , the road passing above it and sweeping around a hillside towards a distant prospect of great promise .
13 I sit astride it and reach down for him .
14 Anyway , everybody in the street made enough money to go outside it and buy the meat and their necessary clothing .
15 What is injurious is not determinism but fatalism — that is , the pretence that bad things which are in fact within our control lie outside it and are incurable .
16 Having been drawn into the awareness , having re-experienced it in our bodies , we can then stand outside it and see what its meaning is for us .
17 He stood outside it and yelled .
18 Ideally , as the names imply , a low-pass filter passes signals up to some limiting frequency but not above it , a high-pass filter passes signals down to some limiting frequency but not below it , a band-pass filter passes signals over a range of frequencies but not outside it and a band-stop filter only passes signals outside a range of frequencies .
19 The two figures have been kind of squelched together just as in , in Exodus there are two , sorry in erm in er Genesis there are two er Garden of Eden stories so they claim there are two Moses figures who have been erm as it were compounded together , but both of them says Freud were powerful religious leaders and they probably did give their followers moral principles , perhaps not exactly as we have but something very like it and so Freud is not sceptical about that .
20 like it and she turned round and she says they 're not real friends .
21 But tell the child not to go near it and it will become fascinated by it .
22 ‘ If I find favour in the eyes of the Lord , he will bring me back and let me see both it and his habitation ; but if he says , ‘ I have no pleasure in you , ’ behold , here I am , let him do to me what seems good to him' ( 2 Sam .
23 The McNair Report on teacher training ( see Chapter 9 ) appeared in May , but both it and the Act were apparently overshadowed in public interest by the Fleming Report on that subject of endless fascination to the English , the Public Schools .
24 Among suggestions offered to explain this is that the sloth 's behaviour is mutually advantageous to both it and the tree on which it feeds — the tree is fertilised by the dung .
25 His club was Thames Valley Harriers , one of the country 's top names in the British Athletics League , and both it and West London Stadium were bristling with internationals .
26 Both it and the original engine are now displayed in the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum .
27 Both it and the Tories took on a joint gamble when the Sun talked up the ‘ independence in Europe ’ line .
28 The fourteen-gallon tank had been about one quarter full of fuel , and both it and a second partially-filled tank were each found to contain over a quarter of a pint of water , the result of condensation forming in the tanks over a six-day period .
29 The second Avoca development was almost wholly Canadian owned , while both it and Mogul were entirely financed by foreign funds .
30 He reached inside the door , found the key and locked both it and the house against the invasion .
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