Example sentences of "[adv] a place " in BNC.

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1 MIP is basically a place where the big guys parade their wares .
2 It is merely a place
3 But obviously a place not already converted would cost less initially , and the price of rebuilding would be spread over a longer period .
4 The road tops a hill and commences a long descent to a built-up area that , even when seen at a distance , is obviously a place of greater importance than any yet seen on the journey .
5 For him it now became less a place of protest than a refuge for failures , free-loaders and misfits .
6 Yet , as one of his prose pieces of the period reveals , the desert remained for him not only a place of death , but also a place of Christian triumph .
7 For patients with isolated systolic hypertension perhaps there is only a place for dietary therapy , as although this form of hypertension is associated with increased mortality and morbidity ( Kannel et al , 1980 ) , evidence is lacking that drug therapy is beneficial .
8 But I watched her transform the house from being their place — and it had been only a place , child-soiled , functional — into her home .
9 Only a place like that , for instance , could have produced the idea of Superman , this kind of man-God alien who comes to Earth , to America of course , puts on a red , white and blue colour scheme — disgusting , is n't it ?
10 So then you we can tighten in on the site to not only a place actually on the site but how far down they came from as well .
11 Perhaps in art today there is no longer a place for middles , he wrote .
12 Camus photographed by Cartier-Bresson : left and far left , Algiers today , no longer a place where ‘ even the poorest men walk like gods beneath the heat-soaked sky ’
13 Today the black ghetto 's become a model for everybody 's experience : the city 's no longer a place of opportunity but a ‘ hell ’ to be survived .
14 The Scentmakers ' Bazaar was not normally a place she would have allowed herself to have been seen dead in .
15 It 's normally a place for quiet reflection in the midst of the commercial centre of Edinburgh , but this morning it 's full of books – boxes and boxes of them wherever you look – and people sorting them for the annual Christian Aid Book Sale .
16 Surprising though cause normally a place like that can need a car
17 There , in 612 , he established his hermitage , which was soon a place of pilgrimage .
18 This is the pub as social institution , so much more than just a place for drinking .
19 You 're saying it 's just a place where you 're happy . ’
20 It was just a place where she had been left , and as she grew out of infancy she knew that it was her mother who had left her there .
21 It 's just a place people go to listen to a little music , you know ?
22 The Bar was not just a place , but also a person ; The Bar was Madame .
23 After years of greatness it was just a place like any other place .
24 It turned out that Lou wanted a garden pond of the wildlife variety — no fish , she stipulated , just a place where garden birds could come to drink , and where frogs and newts could frolic .
25 But Seefeld is far more than just a place to swing your mashie niblick .
26 It is an island merely , a place with a history and a beautiful name , but just a place .
27 After all , there are lots of people for whom the cinema is just a place to go , to get away from the children for a few hours , to be together perhaps , for a courting couple .
28 It 's far more than just a place to drink ; it 's the social and conversational heart of any Irish village .
29 They ignored the threats of the house and from everything else , it was just a place to grow .
30 Generally a place is public if the majority of the public have access to it .
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