Example sentences of "[adv] and that " in BNC.

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1 The official told me that the form was not enough and that I needed a letter from my dad saying he lived alone .
2 Mrs Browning did not wish to hold him , saying she feared her arms were not strong enough and that her cough might disturb him .
3 As he had already been interviewed four times and been in police custody for over 24 hours , the expectation would be that a solicitor might well consider that , at least for that evening , enough was enough and that he ought to advise his client not to answer further questions … .
4 A newspaper interview with the very successful American actress Brook Shields quoted her as saying that she constantly worries ‘ that I 'm not pretty enough , that I 'm too fat , that I 'm not smart enough and that I 'm not a good enough actress ’ .
5 Although Sun 's architecture is termed ‘ excellent ’ , Butler Bloor claims that its hardware range is not comprehensive enough and that the company still has the feel of a workstation vendor .
6 The British consul-general in Seoul thought that Soviet suspicion of the anti-trusteeship groups was understandable enough and that both sides in the Joint Commission were jockeying to gain the best tactical place before the breakdown of talks ; neither wished to appear responsible for precipitating the collapse .
7 Blanche had increasingly come to accept that doing her best was good enough and that she did not need to measure herself against some ideal standard .
8 It promotes the idea both in this country and abroad that we should consume British food , but some people think that what Food From Britain does is enough and that the rest will follow .
9 Those practices must be brought to an end , and I know that my hon. Friends will strongly support the Government when we say that enough is enough and that if we are to have a compulsory competitive tendering regime , it must be one under which the private and public sectors are able to compete with absolute equality .
10 At the same time , we recognise that unity is not enough and that we need to discuss strategies for action , ways of mobilising , organising etc .
11 The Melrose stand-off had been stung by comments after both the Irish and French matches that he was not being creative enough and that the boot had become his only attacking weapon .
12 It was held that a normal examination would have involved looking inside and that they could not complain of defects in the glue which an inspection inside would have revealed .
13 It was like a ‘ ghost ship ’ — he used those words — the three masts standing black against the white of the low , snow-mantled line of the shore opposite and that enormously long bowsprit jutting out from the wooden hull of the ship ‘ like a lance ’ .
14 You will probably find that this comes naturally and that you are happier and more confident than you thought you would be .
15 Indeed , many argue that its concepts allow even complex situations to be expressed easily and naturally and that the associated techniques and tools enable the construction of complex software systems for those applications .
16 Some would argue that society as a whole was incapable of rising to it morally and that little could be done to enforce it .
17 In all sex offence cases juries are warned that that it is ‘ dangerous ’ to accept the word of the alleged victim alone and that they should look for corroboration .
18 He explained that the appointment and dismissal of teachers was a matter for the local authority alone and that the board had no authority other than to help supervise the ‘ educational efficiency ’ of the school .
19 Further studies showed that this effect on anomal weight and pellet consumption was not seen with the addition of porcine colipase alone and that there was a significant reduction in total weight of food consumed at six hours when 10 µg synthetic VPDPR was given intraperitoneally .
20 The struggle between the NGC and the PLO leadership was one of several important developments which persuaded the people in the West Bank and Gaza that neither the Arab states nor the PLO were capable of liberating them militarily or diplomatically and that it was pointless to continue to hope for a solution from the outside .
21 But I knew I was stalled personally and that eventually my career would stall . ’
22 A further point was taken by Mr. Scrivener that the decisions referred to in the subsection can only be made by the Secretary of State personally and that he may not delegate or transfer the power to make the decision to a minister of state , as happened in the case of Mr. Pegg .
23 We recognise that logically this demands a transfer of resources and effort from the former to the latter , that in the words I have so often quoted , some social services are ‘ excessive ’ and others ‘ inadequate ’ — that it was bound to be so and that it is so .
24 It followed that while the Home Secretary was free to take account of the terms of the Convention , he was not obliged to do so and that the terms of the Convention were irrelevant to the court 's decision .
25 Patrick Forbes is the first to point out that this is not so and that the title is just a brand name , but the confusion still persists .
26 Suppose you sometimes feel tempted to drive faster than the allowed speed limit , perhaps because you are in a hurry or because you decide that it is quite safe to do so and that the speed limit is unnecessary .
27 Since most women did marry , most teenage girls assumed that they would do so and that they would give up work then .
28 But it would have taken more than me to convince Harold Wilson that this was so and that conspiracies were not afoot .
29 Simple denial — the straightforward refusal to accept that something is so and that problems exist at all or have a direct connection with alcohol or drug use : " I can handle it " .
30 Approach road junctions with great care , consider your road position and your speed , drive on only when you are sure it is safe to do so and that you will not block the junction , watch out for long vehicles which maybe turning left or right , at the junction ahead , but which may have to use to make a turn , when waiting to emerge at a junction , do not assume that a vehicle approaching from the right which is signalling with it 's left hand direction indicator would turn left , wait to make sure do you know what I mean ?
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