Example sentences of "[adv] about her " in BNC.

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1 Without really knowing why , the thing that Zak remembered most about her was her hair .
2 The sensation of cold which had spread over Caterina earlier now rolled greasily about her .
3 We know a little about her .
4 Standing by the water 's edge , Laura glanced nervously about her , but there appeared to be no sign of Ross .
5 Had she not known Félix so well , Alice thought , touching the necklace at her throat , she might now be feeling as if there were some kind of trap closing slowly about her .
6 Miss Drax smiled unhappily about her .
7 ‘ I do n't remember much about her , ’ she replied .
8 But there is one complaint , so far this year , there has n't been much about her — no pictures and information .
9 Not that we talked much about her … private life . ’
10 They did n't usually speak to her , only about her .
11 Father Dolan told Reverend Mother all about her , all about her .
12 But when Dane sat down and pulled her against him , wrapping his arms warmly about her , she knew the time for running was over .
13 It closed warmly about her , lifting her to meet , and be aware of , the hard arousal of his body .
14 He now knew less about her than the day they had first met in the post office , standing beside one another on the scrubbed hollow boards , waiting for the evening mail van to come .
15 If I really felt strongly enough about her , I do n't think that would matter .
16 Claudia swallowed bitter disappointment ; Roman did n't even care enough about her to confide in her , even when his plan concerned her sister .
17 ‘ I do n't know enough about her .
18 If , as is likely , this one is a female , she will suddenly whistle a call and out of the hole come a dozen youngsters which bustle eagerly about her , groping with their muzzles for her teats .
19 She most feared what people thought of her , and imagined that they talked constantly about her behind her back .
20 If only he could have believed the best about her all by himself .
21 ‘ Your hands are like ice ! ’ he said in concern , and placed an arm quickly about her , his thought only to warm her .
22 Perhaps you should try and find out a little more about her before admitting your feelings .
23 Other girls at Group included ‘ Jolly Molly ’ — plump and good-natured ; Harriet , who was trying to improve her mind and always listened to the afternoon plays on BBC radio ( relayed to each hut over the Tannoy system ) ; Veronique , who was stage-mad and had a friend in the current London production of Lady Windermere 's Fan , and dough-faced Olive ( more about her a bit further on ) .
24 He took her with him on his visit because he could n't bear to let her disappear without finding out more about her .
25 Meanwhile we longed to know more about her .
26 You 're going to hear a lot more about her — and you may not like a lot of what you hear .
27 She 'd have to find out more about her .
28 By knowing more about her buying habits and the things she owns , we can fill in the picture .
29 He had learnt a little more about her .
30 Efforts are made to find out more about her , sometimes with extraordinary ingenuity .
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