Example sentences of "[adv] can [adv] " in BNC.

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1 An animal obviously can also suffer in this way , although like plants and watches and unlike the reader , the fact can never be brought to the creature 's attention .
2 Much can always be learned from the policy options that are reflected . ’
3 These issues are dealt with in the subsections that follow , though some of them naturally can only be dealt with fully in later chapters concerned with the details of industrial relations on the railways .
4 Thinking about the way a word is put together can sometimes help you to remember how to spell it .
5 In response to questioning , the production director stated that the firm is in an industry where a highly intelligent workforce is necessary , and that , if encouraged to do so , such a group of people working together can always find improvements .
6 As we saw , Kant showed that the two worlds fell under different laws ; and to mingle them together can only lead to meaningless nonsense .
7 Within T IS , too , the work which was done to bring Caterdata and the Psion together can now be sold on to other Caterdata customers , and a section explaining how Psion works has been added to the Caterdata manual .
8 It is argued that the traditional bureaucratic mechanistic structure that has been operating for so long can no longer cope with the dynamic environment that we now live in .
9 Ethane only can also can be prepared by the action of water on calcium carbide .
10 Even the screeching rasp of a police hover forcing its slow way upstream can scarcely cut the din .
11 The courses mentioned below can also be combined within the MA(General) and MA ( General Honours ) .
12 The theory of ‘ proletarianization ’ suggests that routine white-collar workers have become part of the proletariat and so can no longer be considered middle class .
13 TARGET has a ‘ -scan ’ option so can automatically scan all files and archives for viruses .
14 Universities are trying to educate as cheaply as possible , but in doing so can frequently produce collections of study aids that infringe and compete unfairly with publishers ' original texts .
15 So can already be well set , you know .
16 The standard gauge lace carriage does n't have to be tuned to the machine , so can easily be bought at any time .
17 Most of the information obtainable from Companies House can instead be obtained from the company and so can further information especially if the searcher is a member of the company .
18 This night prowler has a low density of cones in its retina and so can only see colour in objects which fill a large part of its field of view .
19 To do so can only waste costs if the report is unfavourable .
20 Moreover , written sentences can use punctuation as a way of indicating structure , and so can more easily manage complex constructions .
21 In registered motion paths , you click for each node , and so can accurately define where the actor will be in each frame relative to where it was in the last frame .
22 This pop will never trivialize itself , and so can never be lauded as cheap tack .
23 But 1927 is only some thirty years away from the beginnings of the mass circulation press in Britain and so can hardly be justified as a bench mark .
24 Our special guest Adam Faith , he 's in Alfie , which is at Nottingham 's Theatre Royal on the twenty eighth of March next year and the box office has just opened so can actually er go there to see not just a performance I think , not just a play , but something of an event .
25 The only effective restraint upon executive policy and power in the areas of national defence and international affairs may be an enlightened citizenry — an informed and critical public opinion which alone can here protect the values of democratic government .
26 The best solution is to have two different amps — I do n't think that one amp alone can ever provide all the sounds you ever need , and people who use Dumbles and Soldanos for their dirty sound will often prefer a Fender Twin for clean .
27 Size alone can never be the sole determinant when considering types of provision for the 16–19 age group .
28 ‘ With the nesting period stretching for up to 10 weeks , the bill for this kind of activity in Orkney alone can quickly reach £20,000 .
29 Extra can also be earned on milk produced from ‘ green ’ cows ; customers pay 10p a pint more in the shop .
30 Those differences in income with age which remain after considering each type of household separately can mainly be explained in terms of two factors .
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