Example sentences of "[adv] 's a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There are some really good women writers around at the moment ; Shawn Colvin 's excellent , and so 's a woman called Ferron , although she got kind of pigeonholed into ‘ women 's music ’ , and I think that 's limited her audience .
2 I know seven o'clock 's a bit late for several people here for getting up , so anybody 's who particularly keen on fitness can join Norman Foster who sits over there , for his early morning run .
3 ‘ I 'm tellin' ye , Denis , yon 's a voice , a real voice , ’ Jock was saying .
4 This laugh now 's a bit hysterical , but it 's a proper laugh .
5 " Now 's a fine time to tell me ! "
6 ‘ I was just thinking that now 's a good time .
7 ‘ Then now 's a good chance to break yourself of it , ’ he encouraged gently .
8 now 's a chance to erm
9 Ere 's a penny for the tram fare and try to be as quick as you can . ’
10 Ere 's a letter from Coventry manager Bobby Gould .
11 Tomorrow 's a bit awkward , ’ she says , twisting her shoe back and forth on the ground .
12 Tomorrow 's an ordinary day for you Frank is n't it ?
13 I was up ‘ til midnight making the gekhakte chicken liver and roasting the turkey for the sandwiches and doing the potato salad , so you 'd better not give me any nonsense about your latest low-fat diet , Rebecca , or you either , Rainbow , though a little slimming routine might not be such a bad thing for you , except today 's a special occasion , so just tuck in .
14 Mark & I are driving south on Thursday , and as today 's an Edinburgh holiday , it will mean a 2–day working week for one !
15 But here 's a toast to all those who played a part in this fall of a climbing journalist : my climbing friends , the helicopter rescue team , the doctors and nurses and our superb National Health Service ( coming from Ebbw Vale I knew one day I 'd have cause to be thankful to Aneurin Bevan ) .
16 You choose lighting for mood and activity — here 's a complete house guide
17 ‘ The British people will say to themselves : ‘ Well here 's a government that 's got a majority of 100 , they 've been in office for 10 years , they 've had all these opportunities , and at the end of 10 years all they can think of to do is to make individual attacks on the Leader of the Opposition . ’
18 5 If you wonder how someone like Sam Fifield-Hall ( page 87 ) keeps her flagstones looking polished , here 's a tip : detergent and heavy steam-cleaning wash away the glow with the dirt , so Sam suggests a quick once-over with a broom , then a soft-shoe shuffle in sheepskin slippers .
19 Here 's a bit of news that 'll cheer you up .
20 Here 's a fiver . ’ '
21 HERE 'S a rather touching letter to the troops from Captain Robert Maxwell , headed simply : Our Home .
22 Here 's a typical example of a Viz comic strip : Dad gets a new putter for Christmas and says ( to onlooking wife and guffawing son ) , ‘ Oh !
23 Now here 's a gang of Brits following them and picking their money up .
24 Here 's a crusty roll — must n't show my ignorance and cut it with a knife , have to tear it to pieces as if it was my worst enemy .
25 Here 's a nice little dell .
26 I never thought , here 's a chance to be taken seriously .
27 Peter Hough ran through his investigation into a photograph of what appears to be an alien clutching an intergalactic attaché case on Ilkley Moor in a slide show which was like a conceptual exercise in boredom ( ‘ Here 's a slide of the letter I sent asking to hire a Geiger counter to search for radioactive traces left on the moor by the alien …
28 Now , here 's a fine young fellow if ever I saw one .
29 Here 's a selection for special aroma :
30 I mean , Kylie Minogue in a wheelchair would not be Kylie Minogue , because if she went on ‘ Top of the Pops ’ it would be : ‘ Here 's tragic Kylie , here 's a scene from her hospital bed ’ , then she 'd sink into never-never land — bye-bye .
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