Example sentences of "[adv] as [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Much as can be expected . ’
2 A registered student may be excused enrolment for part of his course of study or research following his election or appointment to office in any representative student body approved for the purposes of this paragraph by the Senate , and a student so excused shall remain a registered student for as long as may be approved by the Senate .
3 for so long as may be necessary to enable the vehicle , if it can not be used for such purpose without stopping in that length of road , to be used for fire brigade , ambulance or police purposes or in connection with any building operation , demolition or excavation , the removal of any obstruction to traffic , the maintenance , improvement or reconstruction of that length of road , or the laying , erection , alteration , repair or cleaning in or near to that length of road of any traffic sign or sewer or of any main , pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas , water or electricity , or of any telegraph or telephone wires , cables , posts or supports .
4 This has been described as " the affection of a man that clingeth to God , a homely and pious speaking , a standing of the enlightened soul unto enjoying for so long as may be " .
5 His father 's been put away for as long as need be till he comes to his senses : he 's actually nuts .
6 You and your staff will maintain the well-established convention whereby ministers do not concern themselves with the detailed information which may be obtained by the Security Service in particular cases , but are furnished with such information only as may be necessary for the determination of any issue on which guidance is sought .
7 They had been as contented together as could have been expected , he supposed , from a union which had been largely one of convenience and accommodation ; and he would always remember , with a sort of perverse affection , her rather loud voice , her over-daubed war-paint — and , of course , the painful state of those poor feet of hers …
8 You do not need a new up-to-date machine , a Pink Passap Duo 5 will knit these as easily as will the Duo 80 or the E6000 .
9 Analysis of the radio waves emitted by the Moon indicate that the thermal conductivity of the outer Moon increases rapidly with depth , just as would be expected from the increasing compaction of a fragmented medium .
10 Although femininity in a man or masculinity in a woman may accompany homosexuality rather than heterosexuality ( and it is doubtful whether we can be sure on this point ) , the homosexual man or woman can occupy any point on the masculine-feminine scale , just as may the heterosexual individual .
11 Second , in the case of these clausal adjectives , it is possible to specify a tense , which may differ from that of the main verb , just as may the tense of an explicit subordinate clause .
12 Just as can happen in families sometimes , the relationships between individuals in an enterprise are organized around fear of aggression from strangers , i.e. , comparing companies , which then makes each person submit to the authority of his supervisor .
13 2.7 The difficulty is compounded by the fact that the idea of association can correspond to a wide range of referential or " factual " relationships ( just as can the ascriptive use of an adjective or the qualifying use of a subordinate noun ) ; and , importantly , this is true not only of those relations that can ultimately be reduced to arrangements of objects in the physical world , but also of those that depend on human judgements and evaluations , e.g. relations of loving or resemblance ; all these we shall consider as factual relations by contrast with syntactic relations .
14 What he saw he painted as exactly as could be painted but he certainly knew when to catch each view in its most romantic moment .
15 And Abeniaf was in great trouble at this which was said openly concerning him , and he sent privily to the Cid , telling him to come as soon as might be .
16 I trust we shall meet again , you and I — I shall contrive a meeting , a rather more private meeting , as soon as may be .
17 ‘ So soon as may be , my lord .
18 A copy of the initial writ requires to be served on ( 1 ) the clerk of the licensing board and ( 2 ) all parties who appeared or were represented at the hearing including the applicant if the appeal is by an objector , at the same time as the initial writ is lodged with the sheriff clerk or as soon as may be thereafter ( para. 3,5.1. 197711622 .
19 Failure to serve or to serve " as soon as may be thereafter " is fatal to the appeal ( Binnie v. Glasgow District Licensing Board , 1979 S.L.T. 286 and Padda cit . ) .
20 ( 3 ) On an application for an order being made under subsection ( 1 ) above by any club , the sheriff clerk shall forthwith give notice thereof to the chief constable who may , within 21 days of the date of the receipt by him of such notice , lodge with the sheriff clerk objections to the making of such order on the ground that one or more of the conditions set out in subsection ( 2 ) above has not or have not been satisfied in relation to the club , and shall , on lodging any such objections , send a copy thereof to the secretary of the club ; and if any such objections are lodged and not withdrawn , the sheriff shall , as soon as may be , hear parties upon the application and objections and may order such enquiry as he thinks fit , and shall thereafter make or refuse to make the order applied for , and may award expenses against the unsuccessful party .
21 ‘ So soon as may be , Master Parry may make such disposal as he thinks fit , and I will never say the loath word .
22 Off he was going , in triumph , almost as soon as could be .
23 Isaac Walton , Donne 's biographer , relates the tale : ‘ Several charcoal fires being first madde in his large study , he brought with him into that place a winding sheet in his hand , and having put off all his clothes , had this sheet put on him , and so tied with knots at his head and feet , and his hands so placed as dead bodies are usually fitted , to be shrouded and put into their coffin , or grave … with his eyes shut and with so much of the sheet turned aside as might show his lean , pale and death-like face . ’
24 Families were close — there was no shunting the old people aside as can happen in Northern Europe .
25 As early as May it had become clear to the RIBA 's commercial companies that the effect of the recession would be drastically to reduce their profits .
26 And it 's only if there is no spouse that matters go rather more as might expect , namely firstly always the children or the issue if they are n't any of those to your parents brothers an sis er issue of parents therefore brothers sisters nephews and nieces .
27 A policeman assured her that she had no need to worry as her husband would soon be home as would the others .
28 No other form of cultural representation — not painting , nor literature nor music nor even television — can signify quite as figurally as can cinema .
29 Participant observation usually refers to a situation where the observer becomes as near as may be a member of the group being studied and participates in their normal activities .
30 The statements of claim in the actions by the council and Mr. Bookbinder are in terms which are , as near as may be , identical .
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