Example sentences of "[adv] feel that " in BNC.

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1 Group members should not only feel that they are contributing to the life of the group , but that their participation is important .
2 Their friends could only feel that death was merciful in the circumstances , especially with war imminent , and that Molly had made the closing months of their lives very happy .
3 That is why we know that people will not only feel that it is unfair and understand that it is unfair , but will at the general election bring home to roost the chickens that many Tory Members will be voting on at 10 pm tonight .
4 Not for the benefit of others , he never does anything for the benefit of others , one can only feel that he sees some advantage in releasing these British people .
5 They may rightly feel that it is all really rather appalling .
6 Curriculum managers reading this discussion may rightly feel that this magisterial balance has rather little to offer to their own pressing concerns .
7 One might compare the difficulty with that of trying to write rules for how one might indicate to someone of the opposite sex that one finds them attractive ; while psychologists and biologists might make detailed observations and generalisations about how human beings of a particular culture behave in such a situation , most people would rightly feel that studying these generalisations would be no substitute for practical experience , and that relying on a text-book could lead to hilarious consequences .
8 However , unless money is not a consideration you will perhaps feel that at its much lower price the DG issue with Frantz and Eschenbach is the one to have for this repertory .
9 You see this is the thing that worries me because , you know , when I stand up and say I like what John Dreyfus did and I think his looks very good and I maintain the traditions of the Oxford University Press , I can suddenly feel that I 'm being typecast as being in the English tradition of typography as a revered art and the Morrisonian thing and the whole thing separate from , you know , a culture within a culture and a separate thing .
10 In key respects the views of Whitehall coincided with those of the Central Electricity Board , which had for long felt that its own , indirect control of power station construction was inadequate .
11 Branson had long felt that the greatest drawback to Time Out was its left-wing politics .
12 Those of us lucky enough to be linguists involved in teacher training have long felt that the potential contribution of linguistics to education is enormous .
13 Is my right Hon. Friend aware that those of us who have an interest in these matters have long felt that things in tourism are done rather better in Wales than in England ?
14 So far as voting is concerned this is a comparatively recent development , for , on the analogy of the partnership rule , it was long felt that members ' voting rights should be divorced from their purely financial interests in respect of dividend and capital , so that the equality in voting should be between members rather than between shares .
15 Aldercine Hodson , who has long felt that Medau 's possibilities were under-exploited and that it could be developed , for instance , as a valuable coaching-aid in sport , tells the following story , which she thinks illustrates her point and makes Medau News .
16 I know , but what I mean is that when they see the city centre , the people who are walking up and down the city centre , they see all the national charities , they do n't necessarily feel that they 're organised in the same way and therefore that they should be participating , and the whole palaver of getting a licence and applying is actually quite difficult , it 's not a simple , it 's not something , we get numerous telephone calls in the office saying ‘ Well can I go out next Saturday and rattle a tin for such-and-such ’ , and you say ‘ Well , you ca n't ’ , and it 's left much too late , so that people do n't know about the way you get licenses to rattle tins in city centre .
17 Nursing staff on some of those areas that we would pick out — those would be the intensive care units , the children 's units , the delivery suites and special care baby units — the nursing staff actually have control of permits which they can issue to relatives who are going to be here for a great length of time , and if they so feel that these relatives should n't be charged , they give them a permit and they park in a staff area at no charge whatsoever .
18 Some of them apparently feel that the move flies in the face of the philosophy expressed in the document prepared by the task force which examined the way ahead for BBC Scotland .
19 Yes , I mean we obviously feel that there are people who ca n't sit and listen or watch continually , and people who do dip in and out , but they still nonetheless want to know exactly what 's going on .
20 I know some young women rightly feel that they came out as a result of their own strength — and of course many of them do come out without any youth work involvement .
21 So although the absence of key workers in Newham meant that there were few boundary disputes , it also meant that the development officer could become very closely involved in organising other services , and perhaps feel that other services took advantage of the Home Support Project and showed less involvement than would have been necessary without the project .
22 They perhaps feel that since there is a degree of whiteness in the child they will be able to identify with that .
23 I personally feel that this decline in confidence is both healthy and realistic .
24 But I personally feel that it needs complete refurbishment and that costs money I think that the points been raised earlier about having some sort of jazz pub here or some pub here is very bad and I think we could investigate that .
25 And containing it is extremely expensive and I personally feel that it 's wrong to expect the community at large to go on paying week after week , month after month , year after year er in order to contain a problem which through no fault of its own belongs to the soccer .
26 I personally feel that this ties in with the ruined temple comment .
27 I d I d , from certainly my experience of Greater York I do n't think there is , er I I personally feel that all the sectors would be reasonably successful on that basis .
28 I personally feel it 's better than what 's there now at the moment , it 's also positioned on a a site which is now zoned for housing anyway in the district plan , erm it is providing true good quality houses in the area , we we personally feel that it 's better than what 's being proposed alongside here .
29 But I personally feel that these two books are not just blood and gore , for they both actually have deep , rather strange and mysterious story lines , and not the usual one of an horrific axe-murderer !
30 I , I , I personally feel that give it to solicitor and let her deal with it , because
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