Example sentences of "[adv] use for " in BNC.

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1 For his part the Prince had no intention of using his own money — he had better uses for it — and so things remained as they were .
2 And they had better uses for their money than to sit here drinking with Colin and his latest tart who had opened her legs to half Norwich , if rumour were to be believed .
3 I produced sketches and a clay model for ideas , but these were eventually only used for reference when working on the sculpture .
4 This was at a time when cylinders were only used for dictation purposes , not for recording music , and a speed of about 100 revolutions per minute was found adequate .
5 Each new barrel costs £1.50 ; they are normally only used for one race and there are 50 barrels on a raft .
6 Today the rebêche is only used for distillation ( into either prestation vinique — alcohol for oath-taking , or eaux-de-vie — grape brandies ) and table wine ( if the natural alcoholic content is 6% or more , unlikely for vin de rebêche ) or ‘ wine not fit for human consumption ’ ( but presumably fit for distillation into industrial spirits ) if less than 6% natural alcoholic content .
7 An 18-cm ( 6-in ) ruler is not only used for its measuring abilities when framing designs , but also if you are working directly on to a piece of material rather than card , it is easy to slip the ruler under the fabric when you sign your picture .
8 Only used for daysailing and never chartered .
9 Therefore , the Fair Isle option is not only used for creating the design , it also controls the way in which the machine knits the fabric from the design .
10 The living-room has a lived-in feel about it and the parlour , so immaculately tidy was so obviously only used for special occasions .
11 In practice , information gained by interception is only used for the purpose of assisting police or Security Service investigations , and is not tendered as evidence in court .
12 He converted the first two into toilets and the others were only used for customers , invariably foreign journalists who were too drunk to drive home .
13 Normally only used for foundations .
14 Dendrochronology , also called tree-ring dating , is not only used for calibrating radiocarbon dates , but also for providing accurate dates for old timbers .
15 Blood is not only used for straightforward transfusions , products extracted from blood have a whole number of uses — from the treatment of burns to the prevention of infection .
16 Note that capillary joints use ordinary electrician 's solder ; plumber 's solder is only used for ‘ wiping ’ lead joints — a job probably best left to a plumber .
17 A Customs spokesman in Dublin said : ‘ We have an ongoing campaign to ensure that marked diesel oil is only used for its intended purpose and that hydro-carbon oil is not imported from the North . ’
18 Certainly risky situations did appear to be unusual events , the top 50% of the rating scale was only used for 6.5% of the situations encountered .
19 That 's only used for processing transients , is n't it ?
20 Alright , not only do we have competing products on the farm , but we have joint products on the farm , in that if you rear sheep , sheep are not only used for the meat that they produce , but also the wheat the er , the wool that 's on , that 's on their backs .
21 Of course , it is vital to ensure the car service is only used for patients who are suitable .
22 These days they are only used for ceremonial occasions .
23 It 's not used very often , actually , it 's only used for security purposes really .
24 In addition , it is worth noting that Markowitz has argued that the inconclusive nature of the empirical research does not mean that the CAPM can not be sensibly used for portfolio analysis and assessment .
25 She saw a haunted house , a superstition she had perhaps used for her own account , and he saw something more human , a complex web of relationships , interlocking and interacting in a way he could not yet fathom , and in which people got caught up and destroyed .
26 The system is much used for radio-frequency investigations but in principle is applicable at audio frequencies too .
27 There is also a less interesting , creamy , unripened version called a tomme de Cantal , much used for cooking , especially in farmhouse potato and egg dishes .
28 Another plant much used for hair colouring is chamomile , the flower-heads of which provide a solution which lightens light-brown and fair hair appreciably ; saffron will have the same effect .
29 India is the home of this strongly aromatic plant where it is perennial , and where its history of use stretches back many thousands of years , It is regarded as sacred by the Hindus and was much used for disinfecting where malaria was present In the house .
30 In the past it was much used for teapots , milk jugs and other forms of tableware .
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