Example sentences of "[adv] also [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These show how what is taken for granted in one society would be looked upon as being not only strange but perhaps also immoral in another society .
2 Obviously their monetary role can tell us much about monetary and perhaps also economic activity in any society , and this aspect will be discussed in Chapter 4 .
3 We can identify social mechanisms which secure the transfer of upper-class privilege across generations , transmitting both economic and cultural capital and perhaps also political influence .
4 It is perhaps also true to say that , underneath , Britain , in regarding the Messina plan as too ambitious , was also quietly confident — particularly after the collapse of the EDC and the Political Community — that the scheme would come to nought .
5 The survey is perhaps also significant for the total absence of any importance being placed on welfare law work .
6 And the fact that wine-growing developed markedly on lands much visited by the dukes of Burgundy and Aquitaine is perhaps also suggestive of ducal initiative .
7 On the other hand , it perhaps also lulled government into a belief that it could cut back on core funding .
8 Particularly in times of high unemployment as in the 1980s , it is obviously also important to consider those who are unemployed .
9 Just as most large organizations and systems have found important uses for the computer in accounting and housekeeping operations , so also large libraries , whether public , academic or special , have tended to put their acquisitions and other operations on to computer , and considerable experiment has been going on with the applications of computerization to information retrieval .
10 Ciprofloxacin is thus also effective against microorganisms that are resistant or multiresistant to other antimicrobials , such as aminoglycosides , tetracyclines or β-lactams .
11 The pixel data may be in 8-bit binary words , but it is common for them to be 7-bit binary words , to preserve the capability of 7-bit transmission or coded as ascii hex characters , ie. , 0–9 and a-f , thus also preserving printability .
12 This means that complete market surveillance is possible and better investor protection is thus also possible .
13 It is normally also necessary to check whether the investments themselves qualify for the exemption and to obtain the putative counterparty 's consent and this will need detailed compliance procedures .
14 In France , at the accession of Henry II in 1547 , each of the four secrétaires des finances was given the task of overseeing the administration of a group of French provinces and also of relations with the foreign states which bordered on these ; thus for example the secretary who supervised Burgundy and Champagne was normally also responsible for relations with the Swiss cantons and the states of west Germany .
15 Despite appearing to be dumping on IBM Corp from a great height with its agreement with Sun Microsystems Inc — it points out users can move CICS off the mainframe and that mainframe upgrades can cost up to five times the price of an entire Sparccenter 2000 , Micro Focus Plc was yesterday also able to announce that it has won agreement with IBM for an expansion of their long-term relationship in MVS emulation products .
16 Fimbra yesterday also suspended Edinburgh-based Waverley Fund Management , another company of financial advisers of which Mr Renton was a director until February 6 .
17 In music , where there are still also patronal relations in commissioned works , there are still predominantly distributive post-artisanal relations in orchestral works and in traditional sheet music , while in popular music the second , productive post-artisanal phase has long been established , and there has been major movement into later phases of market relations .
18 Though such feelings are usually also involved in our intimate , affectionate relationships , they are not absolutely necessary to them .
19 The difficulties associated with questionnaires are usually also applicable to rating scales .
20 Beginning with the distribution of medical practitioners , a PEP report in 1944 found that it was ‘ determined primarily by the income level or the rateable capacity of the locality ’ , and perceptively concluded that this disparity ‘ is even more serious than it appears … because ‘ under-doctored ’ districts are usually also poor districts with high rates of sickness and mortality ’ .
21 This was partly due to the excellent marking job by his Napoli team-mate Ferrara but possibly also due to off-field distractions .
22 The following were among the findings reported at a conference in Anchorage , Alaska : — brain damage in seals similar to that found in people who die from solvent abuse ; this would have disoriented the animals and affected basic physiological functions like breathing ; it is suspected that many seals drowned , but because dead seals sink an accurate assessment of deaths has not been possible ; — the disappearance of a group of killer whales that had lived in the sound , possibly also due to the " solvent abuse effect " ; — deaths among sea otters not only from hypothermia ( because oil stuck to their fur destroyed its insulating properties ) but from emphysema caused by breathing in toxic fumes and from liver and kidney damage caused by ingesting oil ; — failure to breed among many species of birds since the accident , either because of the death rate within colonies at the time ( in the case of guillemots ) or because continued exposure to oil-polluted food sources is preventing reproduction ; — death tolls of up to 40 per cent for eggs laid by salmon , herring and other fish , and deformities and withered muscles among fish that did hatch .
23 Such behaviour results from the importance of " league tables " in attracting further primary eurobond business and " relationships " with issuers , the existence of " joint demand " for different products from the same firm — and possibly also joint costs in the production of different services .
24 But attempts to encourage family planning encounter obstacles not only of an economic nature but also of a religious , cultural , and possibly also political nature .
25 And it is itself always also paradoxical , for it discloses what can not be scaled down to be contained , proved , measured , demonstrated or explained within the framework of finite human reasoning .
26 ‘ The Holbein case ’ has undoubtedly taken the focus off the Canaletto and Zoffany , which are arguably also strong candidates for British national collections .
27 Antislavery thus had a further institutional base but it was thereby also vulnerable as regards united action to the outbreak of warfare amongst religious parties .
28 Naturally , television exposure was the overwhelming consideration for Cornhill and this was presumably also true for other sponsors , which included Schweppes , United Friendly Assurance , Commercial Union Assurance , the Prudential , Gordon 's gin , Haig 's whisky , Whitbread 's beer , Younger 's beer , Wrigley 's spearmint among others .
29 This group was later also able to buy Scott 's Post , which it closed down in 1957 .
30 In this area — in contrast to the Münsterland Basin — a strong post-Carboniferous coalification took place due to a thick cover of Mesozoic and Cainozoic sediments , and probably also due to a relatively weak coalification in Carboniferous times .
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