Example sentences of "[adv] see she " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's absurd — I look on Margaret as my best friend , but I 've only seen her once in the last six months — I do feel guilty about it . ’
2 ‘ I have only seen her at the funeral .
3 we 've , we 've only seen her that , we 've only spoke to her once
4 I 've only seen her once
5 Soon-Yi was responding to a televised statement by Allen that he only sees her on weekends and holidays .
6 Well I think Lee , he , he just realise , I mean I mean he only sees her once a week any way , does n't he ? but you know , she is , she is a lovely girl
7 Although there was not one single reason why Harry might suddenly see her not as a sister or friend but as a woman he might fall in love with , deep down inside she still hoped that this unlikely miracle could occur .
8 I suddenly saw her as the shuttlecock in the game her husband is playing with his inamorata .
9 Irene suddenly saw her and started to nudge everyone .
10 One was strange , because it was about an old lady who meant nothing to me at all ; I hardly knew her and only saw her on the rare occasions when I went into her family shop two or three hundred yards from us .
11 My probation officer outside told me she 'd try to bring her up , but then she said it was too far and she could n't get the funds , so I only saw her twice in eight months .
12 I only saw her for a day or two . ’
13 ‘ I only see her at the office .
14 Well , they had hardly brought her up a tea-tray ( with the most delicious things to eat ) when she was told that there was someone downstairs to see her : it turned out that most of the young men , her one-time tutors , were dons now or curators or secretaries to cabinet ministers and apparently asking for nothing better than to take her about , and there were Anna 's English friends , all those people who had dined or wintered at the palazzo .
15 But somehow she could not imagine Francie putting his eye to the keyhole , even only once , just to see her without her knickers — his back was too stiff , his neck too rigid .
16 Just once , just to see her , just to meet her ?
17 Just to see her again !
18 Before God , I 'd give them all up just to see her again , just to touch her !
19 ‘ I 've already seen her .
20 I 've just seen her going that way , and I 've just seen skinny Mick that she used to go out with a she had baby to , coming this way .
21 What she lacks in patience she makes up for in determination which she hopes will soon see her on horseback .
22 With a grandmother , it might be an odd domestic habit that is remembered — ‘ you know she used to polish her table legs and brass — and she used to cover 'em up after ’ — or simply her appearance : ‘ I can just see her with her white apron on , and cap ; ’ or ‘ she had a beautiful sequin coat , cape and a little sequin bonnet ; ’ or again , of a duchess , ‘ I can remember a tall gaunt woman in black — rather frightened of her . ’
23 " You should just see her , you ca n't imagine , you would have to see her to know why she chose it , " and all the time , as she spoke , some more assured , sophisticated account underran her words , silently , in her own mind , an account by some other girl , some girl who could wear such garments , and laugh at them , and explain them , and not suffer — some girl so far above such things that nothing could pull her down .
24 ‘ I can just see her dripping with tears of anxiety . ’
25 He no longer saw her as she was but as a Mary Magdalene , fit to mix with his sisters , with his mother , even , dare he say it , with Kee .
26 No , I just saw her , did you see her a minute ago .
27 No , no , no , no apologies I just do n't want to know I 'll never forget her , but I 'll never wan na fucking see her again , I can guarantee you that .
28 You just see her on camera and she has this wonderful something . ’
29 Gerald looked lovingly and sadly at his daughter , still seeing her as his little girl in spite of her finery .
30 You 're still seeing her , I hope . ’
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