Example sentences of "[adv] if [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd come down and see you all if ever invited .
2 Can you just come back a little further and then they 'll be able to see , better if all round the side
3 The use of the ‘ Fax Box and Jargon Box ’ is good and the general attempt to imitate the Windows desktop is a good idea but would work much better if less cluttered .
4 This also implies , as recognized by the community development activists of the 1970s and their inheritors the ‘ local socialists ’ , that poverty is a political condition as much if not more than a social or economic one .
5 Both sides agree that these behaviours lead to much if not most of the premature mortality as well as chronic morbidity of adults today , and that a reduction in them would lead to reduced mortality and an enhanced quality of life .
6 As much if not more Gaulliste than de Gaulle , d'Argenlieu , a regular naval officer , was also the former prior of a Carmelite monastery .
7 Alexander had much if not most of that .
8 The issue between the Roman and the Celtic clergy , however , turned at this time as much if not more on the question of the validity of orders as on the date of Easter or the shape of the tonsure .
9 The American view of neutralisation in the Third World will continue to determine the efficacy of this concept for the resolution or limitation of conflict as much if not more than the Soviet view .
10 It is probably the method most associated with the idea of social research constituting the source of much if not most of social science data .
11 ON THE Saturday night U2 played in Cork , Ireland 's second city and a place naturally if infrequently served with mainland rock acts .
12 Conversations or agreements may however leave the parties morally if not legally bound .
13 Gide 's response nicely if unawares repudiates the sexual-difference view of homosexuality as a solipsistic refusal of the other : ‘ how little he knew of the human heart ! — of mine at any rate …
14 No prison could run for long if not for the fact that most prisoners most of the time are prepared simply to cooperate with the staff and ‘ do their bird ’ .
15 You know , when you get paid twenty pounds a night for driving the minibus , and you get paid nothing for running the P A , and it takes equally long if not , if not
16 Socially , politically and legally there was a very large difference between the American plains , largely unoccupied except by hunting Indian tribes , and the European ones , long if thinly settled by an agricultural population ; between the free farmer-settlers of the New World and the serf peasants of the Old , between the forms of peasant liberation after 1848 in Hungary and those after 1861 in Russia , between the large ranchers or estate owners of Argentina and the noble landlords and gentry of eastern Europe , between the legal systems , the administration , the land policies of the various states involved .
17 Administratively if not formally , Quebec favours French-speaking immigrants .
18 The article fails to emphasise the two most important tenets of safe prescribing of aminoglycosides — namely , that they should be used only if clinically justified and that they should be stopped as soon as the patient 's condition permits .
19 The IOC Medical Commission criteria state that a sample is positive only if both SRY and DYZ1 are found .
20 Is the Prime Minister aware that doctors working in the health service have said today that his promise to cut waiting lists to two years can be achieved only if desperately ill patients sacrifice their beds to less serious cases who have waited longer ?
21 b ) The b , x ALT patterns P and Q are equivalent if and only if either they are both
22 It will be a condition only if either there is an earlier case establishing that such a clause is a condition ( i.e. ‘ of the essence ’ ) or else it was clearly intended by the parties when they made the contract that any breach of that term would entitle the other party to repudiate the contract and reject the goods .
23 To shed surplus weight with the F-Plan , allow yourself a maximum of 1,500 calories a day and a minimum of 1,000 calories ( or less only if medically supervised ) a day .
24 Yes , you 're authorised to use firearms but only if absolutely necessary …
25 Only if only if you 're a totter
26 During the day , doctors from Nottingham University hospital and Chase Farm hospital Enfield have said that they can meet the target only if seriously ill patients are sacrificed .
27 His jaw was thrusting enough if not thick set , with dark hair that was short and wavy , with a touch of premature grey at the temples .
28 By contrast , there are 2 basic operations at the lowest level ; so if instead all the basic operations were applied directly , at a single level , the first of them would only gain credit during the 2 th successful search .
29 So if somewhere later on in the book she says , Michael Heseltine was a rotten old so and so .
30 But sportsmen must retire ; their bones insist upon it , and most try to do so if not at the height of their powers — that is too much to ask , no matter how determined the vows of youth — at any rate a day before they are asked to go rather than a day after .
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