Example sentences of "[adv] they [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 A man like that can always replace his front-line troops , so to get only them would have been pointless . ’
2 The parents were glad of a helping hand so them could have some time to themselves .
3 The project proposes to find out how far the thinking of these pupils can be advanced , over a period of two years , to give them access to concepts which hitherto they would not have had .
4 Furthermore they may be different ones from other bilateral or multilateral agencies , making a coordinated national conservation programme rather difficult .
5 Furthermore they can move without the constraining presence of the very noticeable uniform and its ‘ big hat ’ .
6 If such claims can not be " explained away " ; if they do not reduce to ascriptions of certain attributes to certain entities ; if furthermore they can not be paraphrased simply in terms of knowledge , or translated into claims about the syntactical properties of certain expressions , the question is , how exactly should they be interpreted ?
7 Furthermore they will inevitably develop close relationships with important members of relevant congressional committees and with the leaders of constituent groups served by the department .
8 As we 've seen , until the fences were raced over , no-one could do more than guess how stiff they would turn out to be .
9 Better they wo n't do anything !
10 Yes , better they should see the plans for a nuclear submarine than this !
11 But suddenly they ca n't be independent if they have er , er , a , an illness , a problem .
12 I think that was how they had to be , and they 'd be out in this very dangerous environment looking for food , and suddenly they 'd be aware that they 'd , the were coming .
13 Suddenly they will be back in Russia- booted out .
14 Suddenly they will be back in Russia- booted out .
15 It could be some months yet before the pensioners know how much they 'll get , and when they 'll get it .
16 Almost all modern economists , however much they might resist such classification , are drawn to one of two camps .
17 If politicians came to the conclusion that education was too important to be left to the educators , bear in mind the massive input of public resources , education 's failure to demonstrate significant improvement of standards , poor marketing , uncertain professional leadership and the fact that every year youngsters leave school ignorant of much they might reasonably be expected to know and lacking skills that could have been acquired in 11 years of schooling .
18 Further opposition came from those who , no matter how much they might desire British association with their ambitions , saw a free trade area as a retrograde step , and feared its adverse effect upon the ultimate goal of political unity .
19 Joked about how much they might pay .
20 ( Or how much they might be willing to put out these days . )
21 The overriding anxiety for the employees was what benefits they could claim and how much they would receive .
22 In February 1929 Irwin had written to the Secretary of State of a conversation with Gandhi that ‘ what was interesting ’ was his statement that , if Indians were at liberty to order their own future , ‘ we should be astonished by how much they would desire to leave in our hands through lack of self-confidence ’ .
23 The major opposition to the poll tax came to the fore only when people realised how much they would have to pay .
24 Should we go to an all-time record of 16 pages , shelve several articles or edit them all so much they would hardly be recognisable ?
25 She stared at the car lights going by on the ceiling and thought about her Diary and wondered how much they would pay her for it .
26 He will be able to tell them about the Labour party 's opposition to discounts , but he will not be able to tell them how much they would pay under the Labour party system , because the Labour party will not say .
27 At the same time the British leaders , although they soon realized just how much they would have to concede in order to regain American confidence and backing , were largely unshaken in their belief that in Middle Eastern affairs they were the true experts compared with the Americans .
28 They did not know at the beginning of the week how much they would bring home at the end .
29 What is becoming increasingly evident is how much we have to learn from dolphins — and how much they may have to teach us .
30 Once they had established that all men were equal before God and that all men were theoretically capable of finding out , for themselves , what God demanded of them , they could not confine that principle to the religious sphere , no matter how much they may have wanted to .
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