Example sentences of "[adv] i had " in BNC.

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1 Edwards said : ‘ The most I had ever scored before for Wigan was four tries — I never dreamt I 'd score ten .
2 But that 's about the most I had .
3 ‘ Until then the most I had done was two or three costumes at a budget of £50 .
4 Hazel stakes are unquestionably the best but when I caught rabbits professionally I had the estate make me up a set of iron stakes of only ⅜ inch ( 1 centimetre ) diameter , with a small shoulder at the top to prevent the top line sliding down the stake .
5 Oh I 'd forgotten about that , right I had to go back a couple of times did n't I Bev ?
6 Right I had to sing erm America yeah .
7 Luckily I had taken them off . ’
8 Luckily I had a friend who had run the photo lab at Time magazine who was working with me on the technical side and we came up with this idea of trying to use Fujichrome 1600 .
9 Luckily I had a little book in my pocket called Anaesthetics For Medical Students .
10 Luckily I had been doing The Clothes Show on TV and her father had seen me and knew I was reputable .
11 Luckily I had some microworm available — they were far too small for the usual Mbuna first foods — and they were soon gaining in size .
12 The evening before , I had drunk a lot of good wine , and very luckily I had not made water since then .
13 Luckily I had learnt French very well at Lowood , and had no difficulty in communicating with young Adèle , a pretty , cheerful child .
14 Luckily I had run off a faint quality copy ( like this letter ) to economise on ink cartridge use as cartridges £14 or so each .
15 Some of the sound tests were done by a computer and luckily I had access to a computer from my dealer in Bath that enabled me to set the sound up perfectly .
16 Like now luckily I had these two ideas running in my head anyhow .
17 Eventually I had the other repeat to make the three parts , so then I could make harmonies by playing along with the tape . ’
18 He also had difficulty remembering his lines , and eventually I had to write his lines on boards , on bottles , on door frames — anything he had to pass by or pick up .
19 Eventually I had them by Caesarean at 30 weeks .
20 She was quite happy to let me do my survey and eventually I had to make my excuses or she would have gone on chatting all day .
21 Eventually I had to get my mail elsewhere .
22 Eventually I had a better bite and to my surprise I hauled in a roach of 11b 5oz .
23 Well no , no I , I , I 'd got a cycle and er the money was very useful to us cos er my husband , he worked on the , on the top of at Parcel he could n't go down , they were n't allowed underneath er because he wore glasses , anyone wearing glasses they were n't allowed underground you see and they had to work on what they call on the surface , and of course the wages were n't , were n't much and er I was glad to go out to work and er and I , I eventually I had a cycle and I used to cycle to Squires and back you know , and erm it was , it was very very useful indeed the money I , I , I earned there .
24 Instinctively I had carried with me my heavy medical case ; perhaps I might need it .
25 Somewhere I had read that a gentleman is one who never causes pain ; perhaps I was trying to be a gentleman .
26 He had we started out somewhere I had no idea where we were going , until we arrived at this big building with a high railing surrounding the yard and a crowd of children shouting and playing in the yard .
27 It seemed to me that my personal disaster was so great that hitherto I had not allowed myself to understand it .
28 So the flooding had not been from the lake — which hitherto I had assumed to be the case ; maybe it had come from the river whose bed , now dried , I had seen from my eminence on the hillside .
29 But then I got promoted at work and suddenly I had a salary to borrow against .
30 Suddenly I had a compelling urge to look at Wilkerson .
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