Example sentences of "[adv] and said " in BNC.

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1 Some dubbed it a cosmetic exercise which did not go far enough and said too many concessions had already been made to industry .
2 Still , Melissa was pleasant enough and said Hello and asked if I minded driving them back to the village .
3 When Tom and Belinda reached the lift , he took her arm suddenly and said , ‘ Belinda , can you go across to the blood bank now and give that blood ?
4 Well my there 's never any please , there 's never any thank you , there 's nothing , I mean there are are n't they , when he was saying that all he 's done for her and they virtually like turned their back on them , he got out in all those winds and weather were n't it , but , we built there and he come out apparently and said I do n't want you having anything else to do with my kids ,
5 When I had just erected the tent , Paddy laid aside his empty plate , strolled over , opened a locker and , with an expression of humorous disgust , peered inside and said , ‘ What d' you keep in there ?
6 As Reid led the patient with the bloody head indoors , the white man turned to me , almost stopped me from going inside and said in an educated voice , ‘ Good morning , Doctor , and welcome to Koraloona .
7 Massingham rummaged gently inside and said :
8 Nutty came out belligerently and said , ‘ Some trainer you are !
9 Carrie nudged him gently and said , ‘ That 'll be fun , Nick , wo n't it ?
10 that wh who in the government would he dispose of and he sat and smiled gently and said well he would n't have appointed any of them in the first place .
11 Into a gasping horrified silence while Mercer struggled for words , Zak smiled brilliantly and said , ‘ Is it indigestion ?
12 But when she returned to the cool breakfast-room where Faye was spending the morning , the artist clapped her hands together delightedly and said , ‘ There !
13 Channon rates his winner highly and said : ‘ She is the best two-year-old I 've had by far .
14 His friend looked at him quizzically and said , ‘ They 'll be no good against that man-eating lion ’ , to which came the reply , ‘ No , but I 'll be able to run faster than you ! ’
15 It was so much the sort of remark one could only make to a girl friend , but Rupert took it very nicely and said with only slightly forced heartiness , ‘ Jolly good , and it 's an excuse for me to have a better meal than usual , too .
16 Then he pulled himself together and said , as they mounted the station steps under the concrete canopy : ‘ Now if we were cops inside the covers of a detective story , Mike , we 'd know for sure that Hatton was killed to stop Pertwee getting married today . ’
17 So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said , ‘ It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables .
18 Half-way through dinner , the woman laid her knife and fork together and said : ‘ I 'm wrecked after that drive .
19 ‘ Jesus called them together and said , ‘ You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them , and their high officials exercise authority over them .
20 She pulled herself together and said , sounding brisker than she realized , ‘ Anyway , it 's splendid news .
21 After an increasingly eerie half hour of this I clapped my hands together and said , rather abruptly perhaps , " Right then .
22 Mrs Fry shook it gingerly and said , ‘ You must be dying for something to eat , both of you .
23 Sam looked longer and said to me challengingly , ‘ Well ? ’
24 Then he could n't stand it any longer and said , ‘ What the hell 's happening here ?
25 Suddenly I just could n't stand it any longer and said I 've GOT to push and she came out like a champagne cork at 8.15 a.m .
26 Mr Gorbachev reportedly offered to resign at Saturday 's meeting after Kemerevo party chief Alexander Melnikov ‘ really let himself get carried away and said something like this : ‘ Is it proper to go bowing to the capitalists ? to go asking a blessing from the Pope ? ’ ' according to a conservative Central Committee member .
27 I turned away and said to Miss Kenton :
28 She looked away and said , ‘ Because of the baby . ’
29 With that she got up , put her knitting away and said she would go with me as far as our house .
30 I moved away and said it was too hot .
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