Example sentences of "[adv] and think " in BNC.

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1 Through this method you stimulate the person to look at things afresh and to think aloud .
2 The Wilsons however found it all a bit much and thinking their tank threatened , have moved the fish on to Blackpool 's Sealife Centre .
3 That afternoon I walked round the circuit alone and thought about it .
4 All of those of us who have n't had a heart attack live in fear of it obviously and think
5 ‘ Customers are spending less and thinking more before they open their purses . ’
6 ‘ It was like , well , these groups have all got together and thought ‘ Well , we 'll get these haircuts and these clothes and it will give us a concept that people can grab hold on to straight away ’ .
7 Cath 's just put a few things together and thought well I may as well let you , you know , she may as well let you know what the things she 's put in
8 Then we must all get together and think of a plan . ’
9 Only hours before she had been trying to pull herself together and thinking she might be winning ; now the future was an aching black void .
10 You just get back together and think how silly you 've both been .
11 Before anyone else hastily reaches for the rope in despair at The Cure 's ‘ betrayal ’ of their faith , I have had but one message : get your act together and think again .
12 I 'll get some things together and think , decide as I go along .
13 Before anyone else hastily reaches for the rope in despair at The Cure 's ‘ betrayal ’ of their faith , I have had but one message : get your act together and think again .
14 And the other thing that 's happened of course , is that the tw , the , the indoor and the outdoor have had to start spending more time working together and think together , and indeed being measured together , because you 're now measured as a team are n't you ?
15 I think we would be wise to reflect a little longer and to think that perhaps the Government is not so far wrong in what it is saying and I have to say finally My Lords that I never in my public life , or indeed in my private life have met anybody who has said to me that their attitude towards their local police force has been in any way influenced by the fact that the members of the police authority were or were n't democratically elected .
16 If you are being pressurised by someone , use this tactic ; it 's the ‘ I 'm just looking , thank you ’ or the ‘ I 'll go away and think about it ’ response to the pushy salesperson .
17 Now I 've got to go away and think what I 'm gon na do . ’
18 " Well now , I want you to go away and think about this very carefully .
19 She needed to get away and think things through , before the emotional burden toppled her control .
20 because at that meeting you can imagine that twenty people gathering then you end up not really making any decisions , far too many people , there was a lot discussed and aired and it concerns expressed and it was a case , and I 'm going from recollection here , it was really a case of let's go away and think about it and calm down and look at it rationally
21 She made the pain go away and thought the grit out of her hand , smoothing over the abrasions .
22 While waiting , she gazed solemnly at the sinister Bridge of Sighs a few yards away and thought of the prisoners who 'd gazed out of its thickly grilled windows , looking for the last time on the beauties of Venice before they were incarcerated — or executed for causing the displeasure of powerful nobles .
23 Ranulf took up the argument as Corbett looked away and thought of old Dame Martha drowning in her bath-water .
24 ‘ I suspect a lot of them get carried away and think because they have just passed their test they are great drivers .
25 ‘ Then I suggest you go away and think about it . ’
26 At that stage it would have been easy to have got carried away and think that the Cup was won but I made a point of saying that " A wise man does n't count his chickens " and we did n't do that .
27 So — we would much rather that you went out on a limb , that you did something , that you listened to the remarks of your peers and possibly to the remarks that we might make about them , take them away and think about them .
28 Richard Corliss in Time magazine recognised that , ‘ The most reactionary middle-American could sit back comfortably and think that , if marrying a pretty girl is all my subversive son wants , maybe the kid is n't so bad after all . ’
29 Much better as women to put our energies elsewhere and to think in terms of guerilla action — to redistribute resources to women wherever possible ; to asset-strip men 's buildings of their space and facilities and resources on behalf of women ; to expose male hypocrisy , corruption and oppression wherever it appears ; to reserve loyalty for principles and for women not for institutions ; and to concentrate on the subversion of men 's ideas about themselves and about women by behaving badly and with irreverence to their rules .
30 There were three or four cinemas round here — I stood and gazed at the pictures outside and thought , ‘ Space , cowboys and sex .
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