Example sentences of "[adv] of course " in BNC.

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1 This is where the future lies however you have to deal with the particular problems of Maastricht and all the rest and on this side , and it really was very moving that , in a way by chance , but you know again I believe I think sometimes God is in you better of course
2 Though clearly , whatever the logic of the situation , Hitler could still rely upon substantial bonds of undying allegiance among his most loyal supporters , especially of course those who for years had been exposed to the full brunt of Party organization and indoctrination , there seems little doubt that the mass base of unquestioned trust in Hitler was already in 1942 beginning to give way .
3 The final wide-ranging orientation , as obvious as any , and especially of course in Gaudium et Spes ( the Council 's final major document and by far the longest ) , is the concern with secular human values , with justice and peace .
4 You 'd gain if you avoided putting that down as a score draw , especially of course if it did n't turn out to be a score draw .
5 That is bad enough of course , but infinitely better than two Mobs scrapping .
6 That should be quite good , but it 's not enough of course
7 Far be it for me to say that this is the sort of budget that conservatives ought to applaud because it is after all , a budget that is guided by a feeling that councils should provide services and they should orientate their services to the least communities , to be guided by equal opportunities and by egalitarians and that 's what this group has always stood for , this is the budget that we present tonight and I would hope that it would get a far better and far larger measure of support than perhaps of course been the case in the past .
8 And finally , people er were subject to various forms of forced labour , most obviously of course conscription into the armed forces but other kinds of forced labour as well repairing the irrigation streams , digging dykes and , and so on and so forth .
9 Fortunately the building suffered more injury than what the men did , thankfully , but obviously of course the building by insurance it would still , it was still a nasty shock for the owner occupier of the house .
10 She believed , wrongly of course , that Hugo was infatuated by Eleanor Darcy .
11 So of course I hope that Iran will use what influence it has to get those hostages released . ’
12 She did n't turn up , so of course I then telephoned her office and found she had n't been there that week .
13 So of course we 've asked him to dinner .
14 So of course the guy has to behave shocked , and she chases him around the bar .
15 So of course we got emotional , and if it looks real then that is great , that is the way it should be .
16 Jas ca n't , so of course yours truly will have to do it — and YOU must do costumes and décor .
17 So of course you rifle the fridge and the larder for signs of malpractice , and even though you 're a wholemeal bread fan ( do you make a fuss over it at hotels in the morning ? ) and you try to keep up a regime of healthy , dull , fresh fruit eating , the evidence is all there : tinned baked beans ; deep frozen specialist pork sausages ; stilton .
18 So of course it is proving already with the National Curriculum .
19 So of course nobody can describe ‘ god ’ to you .
20 For example , when we were recording this album at Eel Pie Studios , Pete Townshend 's amp was sitting in a corner , so of course I had to try it !
21 So of course I said how much I 'd like to be able to play my guitar like a saxophone , and he said , ‘ Yeah — and vice versa . ’
22 ‘ But from where I was out in the audience I could n't properly see what he was doing to get that amazing sound — so of course I assumed he was playing bottleneck .
23 A lot of times it 's economics that determines what people do in all their endeavours , and in the case of Hawaii tourism was the thing and so of course they had to play music for tourists .
24 So when you get to that point it becomes really tough to communicate , so of course no-one was communicating .
25 ‘ I have played alongside internationals wherever I have been , so of course I am a better player , ’ he said .
26 I 'll have , have to do that later for you because you wo n't be doing it then , this lesson next year , and if your pots do n't go up in the kiln I will be glazing for you , so of course you see the colour and everything we do n't have the time to do that , it 's a shame , well actually they 'll look very smart just with the glaze on , but I 'll try and get that done for you , okay , can you put your hand up if there is
27 Luckily I did n't lose the baby , so of course I 'm very happy about that . "
28 went to put the , he , he went away again , but I , I did mention to the police , who I might say were very helpful were ninety per cent of burglars do n't get cleared up so of course it was n't important and I never expected it would be , but I did mention to the police at the time that I would like an future occasion because I 've been trying to use guns in America er to have a gun in the house but they er , but they would n't erm agree to it at all
29 He worked hard , and he helped me — so of course I liked him .
30 So of course it can be quite a shock when you discover that your mum or maybe your aunt has Alzheimer 's disease .
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