Example sentences of "[adv] [adj -er] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Moving back to the turn of the century and the pre-First World War period we seem little nearer to finding the traditional way of life based on a ‘ healthy respect for law and order ’ .
2 Rather nearer to his employer 's family seat were the marshes of the Wealdmoors , just north of Telford and Wellington in Shropshire , which Loch set about draining with a will .
3 Assuming a social code rather nearer to the Confucian than to our own , the man who wants to go to Bali might choose to obey his parents although convinced that to stay in England is both to his own disadvantage and of no real advantage to them .
4 And I calculate that the average change over the whole length of the A sixty one is a little lower at twenty seven percent , it 's not a lot though , it 's a little lower at twenty seven percent .
5 And I calculate that the average change over the whole length of the A sixty one is a little lower at twenty seven percent , it 's not a lot though , it 's a little lower at twenty seven percent .
6 Beyond the pine , and a little lower on the cliff , a dozen or so bushes grew from a wide fissure .
7 Perhaps in general he should ease up , get a little lower in the mix .
8 I sink a little lower in the bed hoping for some sleep .
9 The introduction of newly-developed linings that can be pushed down into crumbling sewers to extend their life is widely touted as bringing the cost of renovating the nation 's sewers down somewhere nearer to what impoverished water authorities can afford .
10 The figure for specialists was rather lower at 48 per cent .
11 Swings were highest amongst those who relied more on television than the press for help in deciding how to vote , rather lower amongst those who relied more on the press , and lowest of all amongst the 40 per cent of the electorate who found television and the press equally useful .
12 In particular , the ratio is rather lower in Northern Ireland ( 14.5 to 1 ) and especially in Scotland ( 13.0 to 1 ) ( CSO , 1989a , Table 9.1 .
13 But even the most mercenary of foreign firms grows a little queasier about trading with a regime which shoots dead its citizens , and then tries to score popularity points by offering convict labour to foreign factories ; and even the most unreconstructed optimist can see that the resurgence of hard-line Marxists in the Peking power structure is likely to militate against further free-market reforms .
14 If " focusing " in this case were to involve levelling as part of new dialect creation , then we might expect /e : / and /o : / to become the new focus , as they are the majority variants , the prestige variants almost everywhere , and arguably simpler in phonological terms than the others .
15 As the Navigator nudged Tormentum Malorum slowly nearer to the indicated zone , using only attitude jets , for Jaq a strange intuition of security began to percolate through the dread engendered by hulk and warp alike .
16 The hand moved slowly nearer to the edge of a blanket that was over us .
17 The human epiphanies are rather easier for us to understand .
18 Mike Slemen offered the pleasant counter-balance , rather lighter in touch than Rowell , but similarly devoted and gaining equal respect .
19 There was no doubt , however , that Mr Lee could have made the situation a little easier for himself , and his staff , if he had been a bit more open with the press .
20 ‘ Flexible , complete and enjoyable , the Streamline series makes life in the classroom a little easier for students and teachers alike . ’
21 This should make life a little easier for the prosecutor , but let's not forget that the prosecutor only deals in terms of the crimes , with violence that has occurred , and the violence that has occurred is of course something which has gone wrong in society .
22 The argument used by many commentators on our system — that the grass is overwhelmingly greener on the other side of the hill in every respect in Europe — is exaggerated .
23 In due course it was bred a little shorter in the leg , with finer bone and a better udder , though it was still disparaged as being rather ungainly and plain .
24 Morton reflected that if , indeed , he ever did become a royal photographer , life would be much duller for his acquaintances .
25 If on some planet there are beings with a lifetime of a million centuries , their spotlight of comprehensible risk will extend that much farther towards the right-hand end of the continuum .
26 Just above , the feature inlay as Mercier paints it is worthy of comment , chiefly because the panel with the semicircular ends is placed very much farther to the left than we would expect to see it .
27 Birds are much lower on the evolutionary scale , which is another criterion in determining what we consider cruelty to animals .
28 Final scores were much lower on both tests , and they often indicated that symptoms were no longer clinically significant .
29 Now , ten years later , the discovery of a body among the pinnacles and much lower on the ridge , the battered remains of a tent contain a handwritten notebook , promise to throw new light on the deaths of two of Britain 's most talented post-war mountaineers .
30 Photographs and a more detailed physical description of the body may finally identify it , but a diary found so much lower on the mountain is unlikely to throw new light on how the two men died .
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