Example sentences of "[adv] [be] it " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Ancient person , ’ [ began Gooseneck ] , ‘ for whom I All the flattering youth defy , Long be it ere thou grow old , Aching , shaking , crazy , cold ; But still continue as thou art , Ancient person of my heart .
2 No that 's why it would only be it would be made your deduction would be made on half of that amount .
3 ‘ You mean if I got kind of aroused right now , I should n't fight it or flounder , or try to control it , but just be it . ’
4 ‘ You do n't have to actually believe it , just be it . ’
5 No no he would just be It would just be the undertaker would usually have somebody that did that .
6 It should be quite a , I mean it 'll be a funny party and it 'll just be it 'll be good music .
7 But far be it for us to shed crocodile tears over the bruised egos of our male counterparts .
8 If you are overweight , but are happy with the exercises you do at least three times per week , then far be it from us to interfere — continue , you are obviously doing a good job !
9 Far be it from me to stand in the path of true love , ’ he said lightly .
10 Nor is it to degrade the female ( far be it from me to do so ) .
11 When Merrill did n't speak he said shortly , ‘ Of course , far be it from me to pry into a client 's financial arrangements , but it struck Bob as rather strange .
12 Still , far be it from me to stand in the way of close international relations … ’
13 ‘ Oh , far be it from me to pry , ’ Rob said loftily , ‘ I was merely paying you an indirect compliment . ’
14 Far be it for me to be lofty about such things , but some of us dry our clothing . ’
15 That would be a good move — but far be it for me to advise the Prime Minister on that point .
16 Far be it from me to play the killjoy , Dudders , ’ he said .
17 Only problem was , and far be it for me to dampen any thrashing of another team , was that Wimbledon were allowed to play for a good bit in the second half and could have come back .
18 I think , Bill , really you far be it for me to try and teach you your job , but you ought to have perhaps gone back a little bit and wondered why we were all in this position , because you have us in year after year talking about budgets that are made and budgets which improve services , and and we need to be absolutely clear that this budget does not improve services at all , that this budget does very severe damage to services , that the budget that has gone through the Council identifies nearly eight million pounds taken off service provision erm and that can not be done under the Conservatives by making erm a budget with the Liberal Democrats have proved that it ca n't be done , in spite of their previous comments , without pain to services .
19 It seems to me that while you work initially for local councils and local councillors who should , obviously , be the people who have the power and the say , and far be it from me to recommend that you ignore or even threaten to undermine the democratic process , however imperfect it it it may it may be , you have you are working for that local council .
20 We have the ability to monitor and control our manpower extremely efficiently be it in terms of numbers , pay or potential or whatever .
21 Well er the I mean there has been a slight complexity with the replacement er programme of course because er er E F two thousand was originally envisaged that it would replace the phantoms er as as as as well as the jaguars and now that er has altered with the decision in options to er get rid of er the phantom squadrons , we 've er been able to adjust the replacement programme such that er the aircraft E F two thousand will replace er the erm er the jaguar and some of the F threes er and the programme will be adjusted such that we get er the most cost effective er mixture of replacement of those two types and there is no problem with keeping the jaguar going until that stage and it may well be it is , is being judged to be cheaper that we should er do some F three replacement at the same time , again partly for cost reasons because it 's gon na be more cost effective to do it that way .
22 Therefore , if any mosaic in the region is to be considered a focus of widespread foreign contacts this must surely be it .
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