Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] he " in BNC.

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1 When she 'd said she was worried about her superiors , he 'd felt like telling her that he had her superiors right where he wanted them , but he could n't .
2 He stayed right where he was until good manners forced her to offer to make him a drink too .
3 But it matters little where he plays ; he is a prolific try scorer from any position , as a career total of 247 touchdowns testifies .
4 ‘ Since I am not to see him or speak with him alone ever again , in truth it matters little where he is . ’
5 He wanted to go somewhere where he could be alone — where he could get some peace .
6 I need somewhere where he ca n't find me .
7 The problem is that the man seems to have been shot indoors , somewhere where he felt sufficiently at home to take his jacket and tie off … ’
8 He 's run out of plaster and he 's got an urgent call somewhere where he thinks he 'll need it .
9 Happen it would n't be long afore he was back here , and then they would see .
10 The proper approach should be to convict D of the aggravated offence only where he knew that V was , or might be , a police-officer .
11 There is one place only where he lifts the curtain .
12 But Roberts discovered that it did not matter much where he grew up when he was driving through Southwark late one night on his way from work .
13 I knew more or less where he was and I knew he had not been recaptured — that was all .
14 And sitting , of course , more or less where he sat , now that he has moved into his new office .
15 But he must work on his kicking in general , especially where he is trying to find touch .
16 A similar result is likely where the witness is suspected of complicity in a fraudulent scheme , especially where he can be regarded as the ‘ real ’ plaintiff .
17 At times the question may arise as to the precise capacity in which a solicitor is in practice overseas , more especially where he or she has qualifications in two or more jurisdictions .
18 He looked at his wife 's portrait which hung on the wall opposite where he sat .
19 All were corked and sealed , and he was too circumspect to break the seals till he saw better where he was and what was to do .
20 So where he is now , they really stretch them but they unwind them in the afternoons by games and and
21 They said that if the expert departed from his instructions in a material respect , eg where he was called on to value shares in a company and he valued the wrong number of shares or shares in the wrong company , that would be sufficient .
22 Kicking and bucking to keep her balance , she managed to draw to a shuddering halt close to the rushing torrent about ten feet below where he was standing .
23 Allowing his legs to relax , he worked at unlatching the twin bolts and eased the door open , clambering inside where he dropped to his knees , exhausted , his chest heaving as he sucked in mouthfuls of air .
24 But I mean I do get used to being on my own and then like I mean I say he 's there like the , the other morni he went down his mother 's and he did n't come back till three o'clock so he 's not there constantly all the time .
25 Larry Parks is remembered for being one of the first to inform on his Communist friends before the committee , better remembered perhaps than he is for impersonating Al Jolson in two films which made him , at that time , a star .
26 But he went down to Suffolk very often , much more often perhaps than he would have done had Wyvis Hall been destined to pass back to the Berelands or on to one of those cousins in the United States .
27 Hope walked back into Grasmere even more thoughtfully than he had left it .
28 So although he has gone to some trouble to leave tracks across his own land at Highgrove specially for the local hunt , the Beaufort , he hardly ever joins them .
29 So although he was able to boast that his own Comet ( which , with Woolies , B&Q and Superdrug , makes the four retailing legs of the Kingfisher group ) was taking market share from other national chains , its share of the total electrical market was actually falling .
30 For a few anxious moments Franco thought he was dead but he came round within a minute or so although he remained in a semi-conscious state .
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