Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] out " in BNC.

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31 Is n't it bad enough going out to work as a skivvy in someone 's shop without dressing as a skivvy at home . ’
32 Its bad enough going out I suppose , but the most annoying thing is we still need to get into the habit of not losing games .
33 At first , I was only going out a coupla days a week .
34 He would have to be very careful , only going out after dusk when he could do some jobs for other people in exchange for a little food .
35 ‘ I 'm only going out on his junk with friends for the afternoon .
36 You 're only going out again , you wo n't want your !
37 We 're only going out to find your er toy that you lost are n't you ?
38 The label sponsored Fulchester United in Viz for a year , only pulling out when Viz became so successful that Go !
39 The obvious way for AT&T to escape the conflicts of interest between its equipment and service businesses is to split them , perhaps doling out new shares in the two new firms to existing shareholders on a pro-rata basis .
40 Whichever way you go , you 'll come across bar after bar all turning out the latest in pop videos and the odd cocktail or two !
41 Well there there are three there are three organizations or companies there that I think you 'd be er happier in especially going out for the first time and also er your style .
42 So sorting out what is going on in an ERP is like untangling a complex bundle of many different strands of similar wool with one hand tied behind the back .
43 Oceanic drift-nets are literally wiping out life over huge tracts of the world 's oceans .
44 I am not complaining , only pointing out that it makes a difference to the tone of a campaign .
45 I know , but I was only pointing out something .
46 Cue a sound tape by recording a guide-track to indicate where each section of the music should start and end : set the tape to a start-mark ; set tape recorder to record-pause ; set the video tape to play-pause on the first frame of picture ; release both machines together calling out music cues into a microphone connected to the tape recorder while you watch the pictures on screen .
47 only popping out then .
48 The beached whales are quite obviously very distressed , constantly calling out .
49 It was all getting out of hand .
50 Clarissa was as reasonable as ever , gently pointing out that it was a little game their neighbour was playing , which she 'd get sick of if no-one responded .
51 He said Libya was not being ‘ stubborn ’ , but merely holding out for an honourable solution to the crisis .
52 ‘ I was not only speaking out on behalf of Manchester United but their thousands of fans as well . ’
53 Are keepi You are I mean obviously you are keeping yourself going cos you 're obviously getting out to come here and do bits and bobs but
54 So sharing out two six shared out between four what you 'd normally write if you ca n't do fractions you 'd say once remainder two would n't you .
55 ( iii ) Practitioners are reminded of the danger of inadvertently holding out persons as partners in a firm by inclusion of both partners ' and non-partners ' names in a list .
56 He was constantly pointing out that theories could be , and had been , revised , changed and discarded as a result of empirical observations .
57 They were obviously staking out the place .
58 So the pattern would have been perhaps towards marrying later , or certainly having children later and then perhaps moving out of London .
59 Ah sure he 's only staying out for a while till he gets married and that .
60 Course , I was looking out the window and I know he took I picked it out and it I looked again , there 's another one in there , course she 's only getting out the bath put them in a bowl like I was !
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