Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] it " in BNC.

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1 It is , of course , at least as much development as exposition , and the Hagen very properly repeat it , then intelligently pressing the music forward in a constant increase in intensity ( with the major-key suggestions throwing that into strong relief ) right the way through the movement .
2 I swing round slowly , slowly , and slowly level it to aim at the spider , slowly push it forward against the pull of the concertina pipe behind .
3 Many who have left the Association already bitterly regret it .
4 A high failure rate ensures that only those with the right aptitude for the job eventually make it to the Company .
5 He assumed the mural was being discarded and took it to his studio , hoping to repair and perhaps eventually sell it , as he had done with other works from that period .
6 Claims to have found new mechanisms of evolution are common in the press , but they rarely make it into respectable science journals .
7 Many writers are unnecessarily pessimistic about the value of archaeology in the understanding of exchange systems in the absence of literary evidence ; Wood points out that ‘ distribution maps rarely make it possible to distinguish between trade , exchange and plunder ’ ( 1983 , p. 3 ) .
8 In fact , computing people add yet another layer to this stack of definitions , though they very rarely make it explicit .
9 I think mostly flavour it , I I I suppose you can eat it but
10 Provided he could use the motion , he might be able to rock away at the melancholy and eventually shift it off its fierce sticking point .
11 As they do this , take a card from the top , deftly place it on the bottom and turn the pack over .
12 No I think just dedication and we , if we made an appearance maybe something would come to a head , things would get sorted , if we just said forget it then stay at home , then the quarry managers would say right forget it , we 'll get another workforce in , you know it was , I think it was just I think some were dedicated to the job and sort of gave it their best , whereas others were slightly you know , willy nilly about it and well I 'll turn up today cos it the weather looks nice , or I 'll turn up today because the wife is n't off and or the gas has run out or whatever .
13 I want you to pick up your phone and call me now cos I could do with a couple of phone calls so pick it up now O nine O four six four one six four one .
14 It was that good you dare n't do anything it , so hide it .
15 And that would more or less sterilize it , as sterilized as you 'd , you know , you could ever get anything .
16 Forgetful of the silence which prevailed over his own most troubling experiences , he believed that direct and gentle questioning might embolden even the least articulate sufferer to speak all the grief and rage of the heart , and so dispel it .
17 But you 'll feel more at home in your own kit , so bring it along .
18 A copy of this magazine could get you free goodies from exhibitors , so bring it along .
19 If we wish , we can establish one melody for the first verse and merely repeat it in the others , possibly varying some factor such as accompaniment , volume , colour , etc .
20 Even in gallery , he wrote , it will disturb no one , merely make it a little more difficult to get from one side of the room to the other .
21 The fact that a water is potable does not , however , necessarily make it suitable for textile purposes .
22 We greatly fear it is .
23 In the wild most of the eggs or fry of this type of spawner are eaten , but just enough make it to adulthood to keep the population steady .
24 They reckon the average French woman do n't change their knickers , they only change it every two days or something and all sorts they do n't shave .
25 Hard disk drives are sensitive to static electricity so only unpack it when you are ready to install it .
26 Because the cake is covered in buttercream it will not keep so long as cakes made with fondant , so eat it fairly soon after it is made .
27 I personally regret it , as you know ; but it is not a matter solely for myself , but for the young people under my care .
28 And I said , obviously cash it if it 's no good .
29 Such packages , when opened , are found to contain many different ingredients of different size and weight which together make it possible for life to be lived at home with a tolerable degree of safety and comfort .
30 Assertiveness training may help but again can not change the problem , only perhaps make it a little easier to deal with .
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