Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] against " in BNC.

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1 Crow sat in its chair , telling loud lies against the Black Beast .
2 Barrett 's concluding essay merely warns against the wholesale conversion to post-structuralism , suggesting there are good reasons for taking either side here .
3 Section 3 only protects against actions of defamation in that it gives qualified privilege to extracts from any reports protected by sections I and 2 .
4 But it 's an exception to the hearsay rule that only applies against the maker .
5 This vaccination is extremely effective but it only guards against one type of meningitis Mothers should be aware of the symptoms because early diagnosis could mean the difference between life and death .
6 ‘ Increasingly , communication is seen as community , an exchange of stories , life experiences , insights — functions which build relationships in a world which naturally works against relationships , against being in touch with one another ’ , said Rev Randy L Naylor , Director of the Division of Communication and President of WACC .
7 ( As so often happens in secondary schools , the same individual may be enthusiastic in the one capacity for activity which he or she adamantly inveighs against in the other capacity .
8 Taken in conjunction with Cox 's findings , these results are frequently quoted , even in the recent literature , as strong evidence , not merely against the idea that creativity and psychosis are connected , but actually in support of a quite contrary view : that high ability somehow militates against serious mental disorder .
9 These measures will add significantly to the protection which our legislation already provides against strikes which are deliberately targeted on the life of the community .
10 Fanny , his wife , whom he clandestinely marries against his parents ' wishes , being compelled to spend his wedding night ‘ in a back-kitchen chimney ’ at her father 's house .
11 ‘ Striking women always goes against the grain with me . ’
12 None the less , in the realm of human events , the teaching of Jesus still goes against our conventional suppositions , because we all assume that big outcomes need big inputs .
13 The prejudice which used to operate against all the popular classes still exists against the peasants .
14 Moreover , the factual context in which the sort of decisions under review here take place further militates against the exercise of self-determination .
15 In addition there are a number of ways in which the social security system directly discriminates against older people .
16 Does not my hon. Friend agree that the whole thrust of the proposals , as they are currently based , directly discriminates against efficiency ?
17 Remember that as a result of the scares regarding salmonella in eggs , MAFF still advises against serving uncooked eggs to vulnerable groups , such as babies , the elderly , the sick or women who are pregnant .
18 Mr Barry Engel says that the Isle of Man 's liberal tax structure can be used to save more money , but he usually counsels against it , to avoid arousing the curiosity of the American taxman .
19 Usually campaigns against gambling are the prerogative of the fiercer Protestant denominations .
20 It seems to me that all of us in this chamber have at one time or another , wanted to actually spend money erm it comes programme of committees , I do n't think it 's behoved upon me at the moment to transgress on what programme committees are actually er but to predict exactly where they will want their expenditure to go but I do know is that there is a huge backlog of member generated aspirations in terms of the environmental improvements , traffic calming facilities , particulary which I suspect were actually generated mildly in excess of the figures which we have before us tonight which is why we clearly leave open that further bids against capital can be made in the course of the next three years , erm which will be assessed against the overall financial position of the council and I think the council much more than that .
21 Even so , this kind of exercise probably goes against the grain for a large number of readers , who will ask " What is the point ? "
22 However , the report also warns against a big switch to more ‘ worthy ’ youth programmes , and emphasises that the station should remain a mass audience service built around music .
23 The NRA also warns against attempts to dispel the blooms with algicides , as these release the toxins and the algae soon reappear and multiply even more rapidly
24 This winter 's vaccine also protects against A/Singapore and B/Yamagata .
25 The existence of valid objections to the deposit copies and or to the proposals subsequently issued by county or local planning authorities by way of desired changes to deposit copies , also militates against the operation of the doctrine of emergence in relation to that area .
26 Whether or not an action is brought mainly depends on the shareholders , but the collective action problem which underlies the separation of ownership and control also militates against shareholder participation in enforcement proceedings .
27 The actively seeking work condition also discriminates against women who , because they are usually responsible for child care and domestic work , have less time to devote to formal jobsearch .
28 And the FUW also advises against allowing one or two vehicles on to farm land for several days or it may be interpreted by travellers as ‘ acquiescence ’ to their trespass and may result in them being joined by many more travellers .
29 Although Urry ( 134 ) reasonably cautions against a ‘ politicist ’ account that sees nationalization as largely reflecting the ambitions of the labour movement and its political representatives , these ambitions have had a major impact on nationalization .
30 Mr Brooke said the station ‘ repeatedly offends against good taste and decency .
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