Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] her " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Sarella ? ’ he murmured , shifting his weight a little to enable her to continue her first tentative exploration .
2 She hopped down to the floor , but it seemed further away than she had expected and now suddenly it was rising up crazily to meet her .
3 Clare walked down slowly to meet her .
4 I should have knelt beside her and put my arms around her and promised her that she would be freed from the hell of anhedonia , and that there really was a God and that she did have the strength to tear herself free from cocaine , as others had freed themselves , and I should have assured her that there was true happiness without a drug , but I did not know her well enough to embrace her , so I just let her weep as the sun streaked up in glory from the east .
5 She had no way of telling how deep it was , but it was narrow enough to support her easily if she slipped or lost her hold .
6 ‘ Yes , ’ she said , again , as though it were the most reasonable thing in the world , but she saw that her mother looked worried , and that doubtless Papa was behaving as he did because he had been worried about her , his darling , whom he had sent away from him , only to lose her in a foreign country — for that was what Britain was .
7 He looked angry enough to whip her and Maggie had difficulty standing her ground .
8 The justification for reserving this not uninfluential role to a small number of wealthy , landed families was that since they had to act as the Queen 's hosts when she visited the county , they needed a house big enough to accommodate her and her entourage .
9 Merely to connect her with the Battle of Trafalgar liquefied him a little further because it moved him .
10 As she could n't yet swim properly the current might be strong enough to carry her away .
11 How could he hold her so tenderly one moment , only to treat her like this the next ?
12 He did not know Taheb well enough to trust her yet .
13 She looked into the forest to see if the rest of the Women were close enough to catch her , if she could evade these few …
14 It hurt enough to frighten her and she was not a woman easily frightened .
15 Enough to frighten her obviously ?
16 It took me a few minutes to feel brave enough to try her again .
17 But George Felse had come halfway to meet her .
18 She caught a glimpse of a disfigured , oddly proportioned face in the depths of the shadowy hood , but this was n't enough to distract her from her purpose .
19 Neither are victims of racial harassment always poor women : Ms Z is divorced , lives on her own , and was fortunate enough to secure her home as part of the divorce settlement .
20 Joanne ca n't sit still long enough to feed her , but I love it .
21 He had toyed with the idea of marriage , flirted with it only to tease her before his godmother 's death .
22 In the NI 's first editorial by a woman , Maggie Black described the beauty of a 15-year-old Ethiopian girl she met on the road to Selekleka and mourned the transience of that beauty ‘ if policies do n't change fast enough to avoid her back being bent , her hands calloused , her body broken , by the time she is 30 ’ .
23 Similarly , the thematic structure of the novel vaguely follows Propp 's paradigm : Armel takes Larissa into matrimony only to betray her ; Stavro , a gallant but naïve young man , ‘ saves ’ Larissa , begging her to marry him and go with him to Peru , or : ‘ The anti-hero anti-rescuing her from an anti-monster in an anti-romanzo ’ ( 149/727 ) .
24 She was woken by one excited bark from Em , sternly quelled , but enough to waken her .
25 By the time she was 10 , she weighed 11 stone and wore a special tunic at school because she could n't get a uniform big enough to fit her .
26 On one birthday her friends dubbed together to buy her a necklace decorated with a ‘ D ’ for Diana .
27 She did n't have long to wait for illumination as he moved swiftly to front her , grabbing her roughly by the shoulders , holding her firmly as if he suspected she was about to take flight .
28 Yelping in alarm as he tipped her sideways and moved swiftly to trap her beneath him on the sofa , she stared up at him in shock .
29 The allegation was that she did not do enough to help her , and over a period of time this had made the carer extremely angry , and at the same time made their mother dissatisfied about the care she was receiving .
30 He bent suddenly to imprison her , his hands gripping the arms of her chair , his face thrust forwards furiously , inches from hers .
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