Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] or " in BNC.

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1 The rest is up to the children , music included ; as Runswick and music director Terry Edwards discovered on their rounds of the schools at an earlier stage in the project , the teachers had only to supervise , rarely to prompt or invent-solid preparation indeed for the GCSE 's new emphasis on composition .
2 In fact what the members of the Committee wished to do was to alter the law , not expressly to encourage or legalise such practices , but to remove them , like adultery and other sins , from the realm of the law .
3 The derivation of original research proposals is never easy , but to participate in their creation and perhaps to stimulate or catalyse them can be very exciting when there are no artificial restrictions on what can be done .
4 4 The learner is secure enough to accept or even welcome correction from the resource person .
5 Fern Smith and Stephen Fisher both act and direct with great energy and gusto ; the choreography by Smith is good enough to stand or its own .
6 There was therefore no authority powerful or concerned enough to encourage or root out any of the religious persuasions in Scotland .
7 The Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act 1875 restated the criminal offence of ‘ watching or besetting ’ but excluded from that activity ‘ attending at or near the house or place where a person resides , or works , or carries on business , or happens to be … in order merely to obtain or communicate information ’ .
8 It is not enough to visit or telephone the offices of the local authority , water authority and public utilities , to verify the availability of services .
9 Many of the studies are not large enough to detect or exclude with certainty clinically relevant differences in the effects of serotonin reuptake inhibitors and tricyclic and related drugs .
10 This was at Gloucester Road , or near it , and though the tall buildings are very close to the line here , they are not close enough for anyone inside to reach or even touch a passing train .
11 On September 21–22 people from all over will join together to walk or climb one of the designated summits .
12 I 've lost count of the times I 've made a good catch and returned the next night ( or day as the case may be ) only to blank or , at best , catch a fraction of the previous night 's catch .
13 Superposition is of the essence of waves , which can be added together to reinforce or cancel each other out .
14 One of the reasons for Dupleix 's failure was simply that he was operating in a region of India where the profits from trade were not large enough to justify or even to support heavy military expenditure .
15 No person presently doing business with the Vendor nor any customer or supplier who is in the habit of purchasing from or selling to the Vendor ( as the case may be ) in relation to the Business will within twelve calendar months from Completion cease so to do or otherwise substantially reduce its purchase from or supplies to the Business .
16 Their commitment to study ranged from evenings only to part or full time .
17 Post-1945 world politics have been basically the politics of revolution and counter-revolution , with national issues intervening only to underline or disturb the main theme .
18 I also thought that our style did not try hard enough to persuade or unite .
19 You can use PRINT# an BPUT " together to mix or modify the data format .
20 Because the total numbers of animals on islands tend to be small , large predators in general find it impossible to exist at all — except , of course , for creatures such as seals and sealions , which feed at sea and come ashore only to breed or bask .
21 Horizontal and vertical number lines like the ones you have been using are put together to describe or plot positions on a graph .
22 THREE British women escaped death in the Himalayan air disaster because they thought they were too busy or not fit enough to trek or climb with their men .
23 What should happen if [ J. ] suffers an episode before then which should require ventilation to be applied mechanically to save or prolong his life ?
24 While people in Scotland are flattered that in Battersea they think of nothing else but the protection of the people of Scotland from excessive expenditure , I fancy that the people of Scotland are mature enough to elect or to refuse to re-elect Governments who do not conduct taxation affairs in the way in which they wish .
25 Clearly Sole , at 27 , is young enough to double or even treble his total of 20 caps .
26 Do the wages of these two great manufacturing centres indicate , along with the evidence from northern and Midland coalfields , that in the dynamic " industrialising " regions , nominal wages were buoyant enough to maintain or even improve real earnings from mid century through to the 1780s despite the burden of rising prices ?
27 This was firmly denied by the Committee , both before and after publication , who argued that to urge a change in the law was not necessarily to approve or endorse homosexual behaviour .
28 She was not strong enough to say or do anything .
29 In a time of economic recession such as that of the early 1990s , there is a strong case not only for low interest rates but also for increased public expenditure , especially on roads , bridges , airports and other civic needs , and on unemployment compensation and welfare payments , all to employ or protect the unemployed and those otherwise adversely affected .
30 They picture women gathered together to dance or perform some apparently ritualistic act of worship .
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