Example sentences of "[adv] [det] to " in BNC.

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1 After all , I had no real claim upon your attention , and I knew I meant so little to you I could be dropped at any moment without a second thought .
2 It may seem sad , or even tragic , that so much credit has gone to Fleming and so little to Florey and his team at Oxford .
3 Because it 's not every day , not even every decade , that a new car appears which bucks so many trends and owes so little to prevailing thinking .
4 It was not even that he conformed so little to what I had imagined .
5 Certainly , because those very small farms contribute so little to agricultural productivity — just 29,000 farmers out of about 120,000 commercial holdings are responsible for almost 60 per cent of farming output — many people within the industry query whether or not the very small farm should be legitimately classed as a farm .
6 She had known deep down that he was a womaniser , but to think that their engagement meant so little to him that …
7 God , it hurt to think that their love-making meant so little to him that he could dismiss it with so little difficulty .
8 Their reactions were unbelievable — so little to us meant so much to them . ’
9 And even now , he thought , all I have to offer will seem so little to a woman .
10 Supporting evidence for the non-cooperation of p53 and K-ras in colorectal tumourigenesis comes from our own finding and that of others that the frequency with which p53 and K-ras mutants are found together in large bowel cancers is only that to be expected by chance .
11 In a series of 100 colorectal cancers analysed for K-ras mutation and p53 over expression , the proportion of tumours showing both abnormalities was only that to be expected by chance .
12 There are now so few to be fished for in most rivers that more and more people who spent a lot of money in Scotland , as I have over the years , are going to Russia , Iceland , Alaska , Canada and Norway .
13 These will be large embanked areas , only half to one metre ( two or three feet ) above the road in most cases , with rounded corners and perhaps slightly hollowed centres .
14 The ferocity of ants in attack is a consequence of their haplodiploid sex determination : sisters in a brood are genetically identical with half of one another and half identical with the rest ( their fathers being haploid ) , so that , on average , they are 4 identical to sisters and only half to offspring .
15 ‘ I 'll say only this to you , girl ; your world and Other world are linked closer than you dream , and if the powers of the dark overcome Andernesse , your world will not escape ! ’
16 But the ‘ and 's ’ and ‘ or 's ’ and the more and more rarely irritate , and are triumphant in the great set-pieces which mean so much to all three books — like that palimpsest of faces in Addis Ababa .
17 They must have quality given to them because their varying dimensions can add so much to the design .
18 Thanks so much to the thousands of you who took the time and trouble to fill out the Pet Census in the April issue .
19 These areas of activity are dealt with in detail elsewhere in this report but I am very pleased in this foreword to highlight a most successful year of achievement — a year which owed so much to the inspiration given to use all by those who saved the Nation in 1940 .
20 He is admiring of the soldiers ' courage but not persuaded by their beliefs : training people to sacrifice themselves produces not altruism but a fascinated following of others to death not so much to help but merely to follow ( p. 88 ) .
21 This inevitably makes MI5 seem impersonal , and hides the varied character traits and prejudices which contributed so much to its ethos and efficiency ( or lack of it ) .
22 But there is still so much to be done .
23 It would mean so much to us if you would give a regular amount under Covenant , by filling in the Direct Debit form and Deed of Covenant above .
24 There 's still so much to be done
25 Mountbatten proposed that he and Amanda should accompany Charles , so he could show ‘ the two young people I love so much … the country which means so much to me ’ , but the Duke of Edinburgh thought this a bad idea .
26 As one is encouraged to endorse broad humanitarian concerns , one is also expected to respond not so much to specific songs or artists so much as to generic types of music .
27 After contributing so much to the proceedings in the Finnish capital , and to the 30,000 words of the final act , Romania became one of its victims .
28 Who wants a society that reduces men to predatory thugs , when there is so much to be done ?
29 The cuisine of France has contributed so much to the culinary traditions of the world that to attempt to summarise all that is good about French cooking in the space of a page or two would be impossible .
30 Along with the building and waterfront trades , garbage collection is a stronghold of the organised-crime syndicates whose nefarious activities add so much to the cost of doing business in New York .
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