Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] back " in BNC.

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1 His girlfriend sold one of Keating 's paintings to a dealer and it was discovered and eventually traced back
2 On Aug. 8 the British hostage John McCarthy was released in Beirut ; he was swiftly transported to the Syrian capital , Damascus , and thence flown back to the United Kingdom .
3 I am speaking now of its Belgrade side , of the old men in the Academy who wished to complete Serb history because it seemed to them that it had not been properly completed back in 1918 .
4 David Pyper was also among those battling in front in the early stages but eventually dropped back and settled for fourth .
5 The director duly reported back to base camp that Douglas had rejected every concession he had made in order to get him to accept the part .
6 Captain Lawton and his men seem to have had a fairly trouble-free time of it , because all 15 of them were duly discharged back in London after the seven-month voyage .
7 Vogel 's watercolours were taken by the occupying forces to Germany but in 1946 were successfully claimed back and returned .
8 I remember trying to help one of the sisters dress a badly wounded back — something I had never thought I could do .
9 The mitre template has since come back onto the market , but at prices like £18-£20 and considering the relatively small amount of work in which it is employed , some readers will no doubt feel that they could spend that money more profitably , so will want to make their own .
10 We have not successfully rolled back the frontiers of the state in Britain , only to see them reimposed at a European level , with a European superstate exercising a new dominance from Brussels .
11 He 'd be lucky if he was merely broken back into the Scouts for ten or twenty years .
12 Feeling the fragile shell of the golden ball — more delicate , even , than an egg — he was suddenly plunged back into his dream .
13 The s the revolution of social services called for a rolling programme and a rolling review and the amendment Mr is utterly meaningless because the matter will be constantly referred back and further considered by social services whatever the amendment says that 's what the original resolution said .
14 I ai n't checked them , I 've been on holiday I 've only come back today that 's been drawn has it ?
15 She said you 'd woken , but when you did n't turn up I thought I 'd better come back to investigate . ’
16 ‘ You 'd better come back in the house and dry your shoes and socks , ’ said Betty .
17 How clearly it had all come back to her — even the piping treble of her own childish voice .
18 The excitement had all come back .
19 She had emigrated with half her family to England when a baby , but they had all come back the night an auntie 's house in Derry had been seen on TV news , with the sofa flying from an upstairs window and loyalist thugs pouring petrol on the geraniums .
20 Lucker has obviously come back for me once , as there is a fresh note on the bed .
21 At three in the morning everything suddenly moved back .
22 Come to think of it , everything was better made back then !
23 She said nothing , but only arched back against the soft leather , lost in the tantalising , agonising pleasure of his hands — a pleasure that lit a fire deep inside her , but did nothing to quench it .
24 But it was still unreal when he reached out and , bending over her , gently pushed back the wisps of hair that had loosened from beneath her headband .
25 He was in Northumberland with the wife 's mother for ten days , only got back three days ago .
26 Usually , what with shooting and swimming with the others and riding up at Biddy 's , he had only got back to the garden shed in time to flake out until morning .
27 And er he was back there ten days ago for some or other to see another customer and when he came , only got back into the country on Monday or Tuesday
28 Those who had perhaps drawn back after much involvement came out of retirement to lead the church more effectively than ever before .
29 ‘ They have had their ins and outs and have all got back into the side , ’ he says .
30 I did , for the first time in 1979 , when we spent a family fishing holiday in the Hebrides ; and we have been returning regularly ever since , constantly drawn back by the magic spell the Outer Hebrides cast over all who set foot upon her romantic shores .
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