Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] with " in BNC.

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1 Joe Maitland his boss was very often out buying and selling and he rarely interfered with the running of the store .
2 The UN Security Council on Nov. 29 approved Resolution 678 authorizing member governments to use " all necessary means " to ensure Iraq 's complete withdrawal from Kuwait , if by a deadline of Jan. 15 , 1991 , the Iraqis had not already done so and thereby complied with the UN 's previous resolutions .
3 Er , and I got up and I protested about it , on the grounds that if they could n't run a great big pop hall for , and I wholly agreed with the idea , of of them providing the facility .
4 It appears that he had a recurring dream in which he was told , " Socrates , be an artist " , a command which he ignored at first , supposing that nothing could be a higher " art " than his own philosophizing , but eventually complied with by writing some poetry while waiting for death in prison .
5 I brought my heel down on his instep , and then caught his forehead with my knee as he instinctively doubled with pain .
6 Even when Labour policy was close to CND 's , the party never had a spokesperson who wholeheartedly agreed with it .
7 This group , known as T.E.C.A. , the Teachers ' Economic and Cultural Association Ltd. had been impressed by the strong nationalistic tone of Williams ' book and they wholeheartedly agreed with his sentiments that education of the people should be ‘ part of their democratic privileges and their democratic responsibilities ’ .
8 Dickson duly complied with their wishes with an appalling 1–4 record on the first day .
9 Robert rather disagreed with this .
10 Nevertheless , there were a few Conservative politicians who fundamentally disagreed with Conservative policy .
11 ‘ We want to see it properly regulated with guidelines for doctors . ’
12 When the fungus is finished with its host , large club-shaped fruiting structures punch out through the insect 's exoskeleton , leaving the lifeless husk grotesquely studded with bizarre outgrowths .
13 This ensured that our customers not only complied with , but had taken positive preventative action to implement procedures and controls in advance of these new regulations , saving them both time and money today .
14 I suddenly agreed with you about prizes and fame and the rest .
15 Lieutenant Stapleton suddenly realized with a shock of fear that he was lucky not to have been shot down by one of these tattered lunatics .
16 The Lord Chancellor consulted the Lord Chief Justice , the Master of the Rolls and the President of the Probate , Divorce and Admiralty Division of the High Court who all agreed with his reply .
17 They constantly fought with the music business and eventually drowned in a pool of legal wrangles , interband arguments and the inevitable financial problems .
18 The only problem with the job was that I had to work on a lot of Saturdays , which naturally interfered with my athletics , though the company were quite generous in giving me time off .
19 Robbie had been hungry when she got home from work , but now she only toyed with her food .
20 The only natural light came from an extremely tiny oblong of glass in the roof , but this was so filmy , and so splattered with accumulated bird lime , that it let in the flimsiest of light .
21 ‘ The only natural light came from an extremely tiny oblong of glass in the roof , but this was so filthy , and so splattered with accumulated bird lime , that it let in the flimsiest of light .
22 She could easily recall his smell too , as if he were in her arms at this very moment — an expensive cologne warmly melded with his very own Mediterranean muskiness .
23 The bank was completely under the control of Mr Abdić and his colleagues , and apparently complied with all their wishes .
24 What we do know is that his full conversion to Christianity released in him a literary flow which only ceased with death .
25 The Princess — looking very thin again — merely toyed with her food and hardly uttered a word during the hour-long trip .
26 Benjamin tried his best to make light conversation but Mandeville and Southgate were withdrawn , Sir John Santerre lost in his own thoughts , Lady Beatrice looked anxious whilst the pale-faced Rachel merely toyed with her food .
27 Corbett merely toyed with the food though Ranulf , hungry enough , munched away .
28 As a control for non specific binding of proteins the eluates were obtained from beads alone incubated with brain extract ( lane 1 1M , lane 2 500mM and lane 3 250mM ) and from the heterologous oligonucleotide 168 linked to beads incubated with brain extract ( lane 7 , 500mM and lane 8 , 1M ) .
29 In a festival so studded with star directorial names , it was fascinating to discover who was up and who was down .
30 It is a formless landscape , usually thickly blanketed with smoke .
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