Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] you " in BNC.

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1 If anything , years of experience only made you more aware of what could go wrong .
2 To watch the ceaseless spinning for too long made you feel sick and dizzy and a bit out of step with everything else .
3 The point is , you see , that I did not ask you to go and look at the time on that clock ; I merely asked you to study the numerals on it .
4 You ha because you suddenly realized you were
5 I , I I went to as we came down , suddenly realized you 'd got somebody there you were obviously deep in conference so er
6 Some lay eggs among the stones , so camouflaged you would mistake them for the rocks themselves .
7 like I said we at least to go on one complex exercise every month which , although they ca n't physically make you go on it there was , you know , they more or less made you go sort of thing pay to do and then we were there the other weekend we had one of these weekends where be more fun , really hard work though it 'll be more fun for
8 ‘ I only met you a half hour ago and I love you like one of my own . ’
9 ‘ Perhaps for the same reason I foolishly asked you to stay with Anna in the first place , ’ he snarled .
10 Presently she said , ‘ Now I must n't keep you , I only sought you out in your lair because this benighted village boasts no telephone , one has to be one 's own messenger — well , as they say , on est jamais mieux servi que par soi-même .
11 This tip obviously got you out of a tangle Meryl , but have you read about a new and useful low cost knitting accessory which is now available from Jacpacs ?
12 I obviously got you wrong . ’
13 This was a warning to the adventurous Arab in the desert , if you did force-land and you suddenly found you were his prisoner , and in several dialects of Arabic .
14 I only found you this morning , and reckoning by the tide you could n't have been there long .
15 And we 'll see what they have to say and if you feel so moved you can ring back and shout at them Katherine .
16 ‘ Her letters only mentioned you once or twice — in the early days — just after her mother married your father , and then only by your pen name .
17 Oh , so you do n't so told you the first year !
18 Ignoring her question , he persisted , ‘ And naturally told you why . ’
19 He does n't get off any lighter just because he only told you to kill Hatton . ’
20 ‘ I only told you about her staying away a lot and men turning up looking for her and things like that .
21 I only told you so you know he — he — well , he likes her .
22 I could n't see your car parked anywhere so assumed you must be out .
23 I naturally assumed you were using your dust-pan and had left it out in the hall .
24 But I thought they only allowed you to bury Catholics there . ’
25 ‘ I did n't hear anything about pictures , I only heard you threatening to kill her . ’
26 He so loved you and me that he gave his son for us !
27 There were things that you knew , and there were things that you only thought you new ; and when something happened to shock you out of your ignorance , then the change in your perceptions could never be reversed .
28 " Tilda , I only took you three months ago .
29 Er it only took you
30 We only brought you and the boy as swiftly as we could to Andernesse . ’
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