Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Produce letters that are recognisably formed and properly oriented and that have clear ascenders and descenders where necessary .
2 So long as you keep the Looms properly oiled and follow the rules you ca n't really go far wrong .
3 However , the LF eventually relented and began the process of disarming on April 30 .
4 I knew in one case that every Saturday morning I would get a letter from a lad who was having a very trying time at an operational training unit , and he begged me week after week , I eventually relented and brought him back ; he nearly went through and completed a second Pathfinder tour .
5 Badly lamed and afterwards only able to walk with the help of a stick , Patterson was no longer of use to the Navy .
6 Though he can not be more than five or six , he wears a man 's anorak , badly zipped and uneven , a heap of purple fabric tilted to one side and a small freckled shoulder bare on the other .
7 Nonetheless Count Christoph Douglas , head of Sotheby 's in Germany , declared that he has ‘ complete confidence in Berlin ’ as a location and with the level and amount of bidding at the sale , some of it keenly fought and much of it this time conducted by telephone .
8 John slowly rose and sat at the table where he was soon joined by the two women .
9 Ignoring her , the captain ordered his men to carry the body aft , and the woman eventually rose and hobbled after them , still sobbing piteously .
10 I also removed a Building Society book in the name of Francis Maclean , which I reckoned had about £450 in the account , and an Access card in the same name which I rarely used and certainly had nearly a grand 's worth of credit on it .
11 Are the spine and boards badly scuffed or rubbed ? ( the euphemistically-minded cataloguer may say ‘ chafed ’ , the French , more elegantly , ‘ tired ’ ) .
12 Their main duty was to arrest wanted persons ; they rarely reported or investigated crime during the early years of colonial rule .
13 Armed with walkie-talkies so we could trail her progress at a distance , we waited until noon when she nervously approached and then eagerly ate all her dinner , with the added sedatives .
14 And he did but then he was a lot older and he eventually stopped and er there would have been one at Woodhouse in Burness .
15 I mean I 'm not , do n't get me wrong , I 'm not one of these formal you know want 's to everything but the idea of this is that we go we get it off the ground and then the management committee take over and run it , it will hopefully have two parish representatives , wo n't be overcommitted by being you know constantly hectored and badgered by people saying this is your ground .
16 He went up to look more closely at Mr Edgar , who suddenly recovered and hit Heathcliff hard on the neck .
17 ‘ Did you enjoy seeing your father 's studio ? ’ she suddenly asked and it seemed to Jenna that not only did Alain stiffen alarmingly but Marguerite appeared to ice over .
18 When Widmark began questioning Wayne 's direction , Big John responded initially with patience and understanding because he greatly respected and admired the other actor .
19 For Jesus to perform an act long prophesied and expected of the rightful Messiah certainly reflects no diffidence on his part .
20 The pale mask of her face fended him off , incredulous , but the bright creature within , so long coffined and mute , knew that she had heard aright .
21 It should hardly be necessary to mention that every partners ' meeting should be duly and sufficiently minuted and the minute approved at the next meeting .
22 Sharpe , though he was still far out of sword 's reach , suddenly lunged and Lord John , in utter fear , stepped hurriedly backwards and tripped on his spurs .
23 A seven lumen manometric catheter , with recording orifices radially oriented and spaced 15 cm apart ( Arndorfer Medical Specialities , Greendale , Wis ) , was then advanced over the guidewire .
24 He was wearing a homburg and his face was swarthy , thickly browed and with a thin moustache , which gave him the appearance of a continental .
25 He deliberated for a long time in front of the pad , and then suddenly rose and put it away without writing anything .
26 At one stage , when I happened to depart the room in the midst of an address by one of the German gentlemen , M. Dupont suddenly rose and followed me out .
27 The floor of these forests was , at best , only sparsely vegetated and great areas may have been entirely without any living leaves .
28 It was not like some of the valleys they had seen so far , sparsely vegetated and arid .
29 It is at once an anthology of selected short stories and extracts of narratives often Afro-American women writers over 100 years ; a scholarly treatise and critique of their work ; and a highly politicized and womanist questioning of the reasons for their relative obscurity up until the recent ’ renaissance ’ in Black women 's writing .
30 The launch , however , behaved like a well-trained work-horse and merely rose and fell with the swell .
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