Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] said " in BNC.

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1 Very humbly I said how grateful I was , since I was only a surgeon .
2 Right I said I 'll start tomorrow morning , I go to the Labour this afternoon , Court of Referees .
3 John 's told me to tell you to go and get it , right I said I said Richard coming , for four hundred pound I you 're not coming for it so that 's it oh you think it was pub machine or
4 So at quarter past eight I said right I said go to bed said gon na turn that light out .
5 So I said to him , right I said we either go I mean I keep saying to him you 've got ta do something about this !
6 Eventually I said angrily that ‘ surely you can not say that this is a happy marriage ? ’
7 She would n't let him come with us because she said that 'd be our first christmas when we 're altogether I said yeah that 's the
8 erm I ca n't hear for Dorothy 's car , what did you say ? is he going I think I 'd better I said thank you for the cake
9 Miss Sowerby — by now an enthusiastic convert — and I had taken turns at massaging the damaged calf muscles , and suddenly I said to him , ‘ Jimbo , just imagine it 's you that 's making the muscles move . ’
10 That 's what Foxy said , I mean he could n't , he c he might have s you know said comment other than that but basically I said look you 've got nothing to worry about .
11 If that 's alright I 'll do it got ta pay your own train fair I said Boxing Day they only do Sunday service anyway .
12 Aloud I said , ‘ She died quietly , in her sleep .
13 And that is enough I said .
14 I , I do n't know what deciding though , I says , funny enough I said there were one just like this at Millaires and I did n't qualify where it was , but it he latched on to it and it 's er a posh place , you know , Millaires
15 Yeah , and I said erm , and I said that were n't , if that was n't enough I said bearing in mind he 'd just come out of intensive care off a life support machine , I said and which I think that , that tells us that he needs a bit of extra care compared to some of them on the ward , I said I know they 're all important and I know you 're busy but I said I think you should 've had a bit of priority , he was dying , and you know he 's dying , you 'd been told , she said yes that 's right , I said but what really broke my bloody heart was from one o'clock that dinner time he sat in that chair , we left that hospital at half past eight and you assured us he 'd go to bed and when we came in the next morning at half past ten Joy he sat there exactly the bloody same , in the same filthy blanket and the same catheter on him , oh I went fucking mad and I said how dare you , I said because somebody 's told they 're dying does that mean they 've got to be forgot ?
16 that 's fair enough I said a thing .
17 Well I said if you stand there long enough I said , you 'll catch him !
18 I said only I said yes
19 Only I said it 's an open invitation when it 's left on the doorstep you see .
20 So I said to the organist , whose name was Bobby Page , ‘ I 'll come up on the organ . ’
21 So I said , ‘ Look , I just do n't want it , ’ so he tells me not to be so clever .
22 So I said ‘ Stand back please ,
23 So I said : ‘ It would have been better if we had never met . ’
24 So I said I would teach it to him .
25 So I said , well , I have my thing here in Salzburg ; if they want to see it they must make the effort to come here .
26 If it was n't the Russians , it was the British who wanted to interfere ; so I said , I am going away to wait for the day when once again an Austrian can decide when an Austrian may conduct music in his own country .
27 So I said , ‘ Maria , I am experimenting and when I say ‘ experiment ’ I mean I want to see how it presents itself .
28 So I said , we must do some basic things .
29 So I said , frankly , all I 'll get is your laundry , another cup , saucer and plate to wash up and probably a great deal more you-know-what than I need ! ’
30 So I said that instead of our leaving tomorrow or Sunday it might be best to wait until Monday so that I can see the bank manager at Gullshaven ; I want to make sure that Fru Gertlinger and Fru Børre are paid regularly .
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