Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 That a stimulus can be processed either verbally or non.verbally helps to make sense of those otherwise anomalous findings in which verbal stimuli give rise to a LVF superiority ( Gibson , Dimond and Gazzaniga , 1972 ; Schmit and Davis , 1974 ; Wilkins and Stewart , 1974 ; Hellige , 1976 ; Martin , 1978 ; Jonides , 1979 ; Niederbuhl and Springer , 1979 ) and non-verbal stimuli such as faces ( Patterson and Bradshaw , 1975 ; Marzi and Berlucchi , 1977 ; Umilta , Brizzolara , Tabossi and Fairweather , 1978 ) , colours ( Malone and Hannay , 1978 ) or pictures ( Wyke and Ettlinger , 1961 ) produce an advantage for the right visual field .
2 Tickets for the event cost £1.90 before 10pm or £2.50 after 10pm .
3 I 'd just wanted to be somewhere where people knew what they were doing .
4 The central theme of hermeneutics , that action is to be understood from within , suggests that causal explanation is of interest only where people ( like physicists ) use causal explanation and that this is a fact about them , not about nature .
5 Ordering replenishment and display may be looked after by the publisher and this can lift a lot of the administrative burden of stock control from the shop , although they are normally offered only where sales justify it .
6 There is considerable species variation in the response of the stomach to alcohol and so animal studies will be cited only where data from humans are inadequate .
7 Whether the consideration or the price that he paid was 1s. 6d. only or 1s. 6d. and three wrappers is a matter not for him but for your Lordships to determine … … .
8 Similarly for example 3 , the words people and arc are less likely to occur together than people and are .
9 Unfortunately over the years there was such a deficit for whatever reason lot 's of things were tried it was then decided that it was two options one was closing lose so much money or actually put it out to franchise fortunately enough that people were at all the money and we did n't get an income from it .
10 to put up in your room , let alone , something that was reasonably enough , enough that people may wan na pay money for .
11 Any winged craft has got to do better than Mach 5 to get into space .
12 An increase in output current from the popular DAC 08 D-to-A converter is obtainable by means of this circuit , the current accuracy being better than 1% and offset current less than 0.1% .
13 This would come out better than $150 a day .
14 I do n't know if it 's fear so much as a matter of getting along with objects better than people .
15 People with less advanced HIV-related illness may tolerate zidovudine better than people with AIDS , so treatment should be started earlier rather than later .
16 ‘ Anyway , the hut looked just the same ; things wear better than people , do n't they ? ’
17 ‘ Sometimes I can relate to animals much better than people ’ she says .
18 Heston shares the Chairmanship with Marshal of the RAF Sir John Grandy , of whom he remarked ‘ I confess to a frisson of awe at sharing a Chairmanship with a former Air Vice Marshal , I never did better than Staff Sergeant myself . ’
19 It had very publicly been made clear that outrageous tactics worked , that blocking roads worked better than MPs ’ intervention …
20 So that works .
21 So that folk maybe in the sort of parish did n't have to walk into the village to get it .
22 ‘ po ’ and ‘ pa ’ are of almost equal probability , so that statistics could never decide between pod and pad , for example .
23 I am pleased also to tell the House that the United Kingdom is sending £20 million worth of animal feed aid to St. Petersburg so that livestock need not be slaughtered this winter .
24 The tubes through which sperm travel from the testes to the penis are cut or blocked so that sperm can no longer enter the semen that is ejaculated when the man ‘ comes ’ .
25 In male sterilisation , or vasectomy , the tubes ( the vas deferens ) through which sperm travel from the testes to the penis , are cut or blocked so that sperm can no longer enter the ejaculate ( the fluid released when a man reaches climax ) .
26 The stress on the primitive chain at time t is found as where is the disengagement time , that is , the time required for chains to disengage completely from surrounding entanglements ( it is the longest relaxation time for a chain ) , c is the number of polymers in unit volume so that cN is the number of chain segments in unit volume , and is a function of the deformation .
27 So that £780 million is being paid by all of us from the generality of taxation .
28 Some provide a freezer for people at home , and then deliver frozen meals so that people can heat their own , when they wish .
29 Nationalised industries were first set annual cash limits under a Labour administration , but the concept was in line with Conservative Government policy to cut direct taxation and release cash so that people ( voters ) had a greater choice with what to do with their money .
30 I do n't see the support of victims of crime as a separate service provided by a small specialist agency but as something which should be much more widely accepted like sickness or bereavement , so that people can get a more sensitive and understanding response from their employers , neighbours , doctors and so on . ’
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