Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] for " in BNC.

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31 Unfortunately he 'd been burned , but not badly enough for the bone structure to be altered as it was in Lawton 's case . ’
32 Six weeks later , when the remaining bodies were brought out , militant miners , veterans of the 1819 miners strike had agitated successfully enough for Holmes to comment : ‘ Their great grief was disturbed by agitators and others to create distrust and confusion by acrimonious and malignant observation . ’
33 We would like to thank all those well-wishers most warmly for their support .
34 We thank Hilda and Isabel most warmly for their work , and we wish the new President , Peggy Secord , and the new Chairman , Pauline Kenward , every success .
35 Something was always not quite hot or right enough for their father , be it the plates , the pie , or the potatoes .
36 As a personal trademark we put up a straw model of a short-eared owl made locally especially for us .
37 Roddy Llewellyn , Tony Clements , Daphne Ledward , Stefan Buczacki , Alan Titchmarsh , and most memorably for Harry , Percy Thrower , are among the many illustrious figures who have visited .
38 30 " He was dead when he went in , and as he 'd been dead only for about six to seven hours , it could n't have been longer than that .
39 Paul Creed on the right flank crossed into goal for Stewart Taverner who rushing in , dived at ground level to head powerfully in for his brace of goals .
40 And then we went right through Belgium and Holland , we were stuck in Holland for er in luckily enough for the winter .
41 At the conclusion of their day the Caddie Master Tom Gould , and a John Holton played a three-hole match , presumably on the 1st , 2nd and 18th holes and presumably only for fun , their scores being 38 and 39 , quoted as 16–7–15 and 9–12–18 .
42 Work , paradoxically enough for many small landowners and peasants , is actually an ‘ escape attempt ’ , a means of being independent from large-scale farms and other industrial enterprises .
43 And while we 've struggled to keep ourselves from the fridge , we have wondered why we long so intensely for one food .
44 Houghton convinced himself he was searching so avidly for the match that he was almost willing himself to find it .
45 it 's only on for two minutes
46 The good thing about it was , it was only on for about an hour .
47 EVERYTHING was going so swimmingly for Johnny Bryan .
48 Morse looked at her now — perhaps properly for the first time .
49 His preparing himself so keenly for a new and final phase of the war , and then not seeing even the beginning of it , was the final irony .
50 If this were so , the strengthening of the various associations generated by the inhibitory conditioning procedure would proceed only slowly for a pre-exposed stimulus and this effect could well outweigh any advantage that the existence of a stimulus-no event association might bestow .
51 Just as the provision of work is not generally regarded by health and social service staff as their responsibility , so too it is easy to ignore those social aspects of life which mentally robust people organize so effectively for themselves .
52 At a time of so much egocentric materialism it 's refreshing to see the NI fighting so effectively for imaginative humanitarianism . "
53 Middles were all right for Veronese , but today they no longer have a role .
54 It was all right for Annabel — she 's only six , and as long as she can feed sugar to the milkman 's horse every morning she 's happy .
55 It 's a Saturday night , the night that 's all right for late and mega-high for Sunday is a day of rest and you 've chosen to spend this Saturday night — let me not presume ! — evening , with me .
56 Those estates were not where We would like to live : but they were all right for Them .
57 ‘ It is all right for us , it is the younger generation I feel sorry for , ’ a Devonshire councillor told her companion .
58 We are Muslims and my husband is my cousin , so from the point of view of tradition it is all right for me to marry him .
59 Miss said it was all right for me to say my own prayer .
60 ‘ You can see Charlie did all right for himself .
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