Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] at " in BNC.

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31 There may be very little transactional business enacted , or effectively none at all ( see Aston 1986 ) .
32 If I were no longer a human being then one might wonder whether I was still me at all .
33 There was always someone at North 's desk , they explained ; it seemed safer that way .
34 Recording a verdict of suicide , coroner David Morris said : ‘ It is easy enough to criticise the bank as a body — there is always someone at the sharp end .
35 Someone claimed to have heard him on the radio from Darwin — but it was always someone at a third hand remove ; someone who had heard it from someone who had heard it from someone .
36 In the more bookish areas of English middle-class society , whenever a coincidence occurs there is usually someone at hand to comment , ‘ It 's just like Anthony Powell . ’
37 The choice is always yours at the Whitbread Hop Farm .
38 The lofty official view is that the agitators in favour of an entirely fresh deal — or preferably none at all — with the CFTC command little support among the membership and distract the association from grappling with real issues such as Globex , the Chicago Mercantile Exchange 's putative electronic trading system .
39 But when the two scholars had gone up to ( Oxford , ‘ I began to be near the top of the form … but still everything at school was an aimless task performed to the letter only .
40 Nearly always one at least was missing , and that meant that seven men we all knew had got the chop .
41 Because different amps achieve their maximum usable volume at different settings — ie. one at 5 and another at 8 — I 'm not sure how you 'd apply whatever criteria you came up with for the tests .
42 No , there was hardly anybody at our English seminar this morning , it was so funny , he had about five of us sitting there , we go ,
43 Regressive rock 's meaning is diminished because hardly anyone at all is into it ; the scene is claustrophobically LOCAL a parochial huddle — its problem is not one of dehumanized distance but of an overdose of intimacy .
44 because , I mean it it 's like anything at the moment it it
45 It might signify hardly anything at all .
46 It was called , How to Make a One Man Plane out of Hardly Anything at all and Escape when Things are Getting Difficult .
47 But because this left it so generalised as to sometimes appear to be saying hardly anything at all , it was open to imperialist take-over by more established , but much more mechanistic learning theories such as behaviourism .
48 And Julius ate hardly anything at all .
49 the second year you increase about as much but the third year you 're gon na bring it right down use hardly anything at all .
50 erm We park appallingly carelessly , some of us do it intentionally very often , some of us do it innocently or probably ignorantly , and perhaps to be fined on the spot would be a way of saving an awful lot of paperwork , an awful lot of time , and perhaps reminding people that they should n't be doing these things although I 'm always slightly worried , this is in a sense another problem , I 'm slightly worried by , by the inequity that six pounds or whatever it is will mean a lot to one person and hardly anything at all to another , and you do see some cars mis-parking again and again , and I 'm not sure that erm the instant penalty would make much difference there .
51 One source of hostility towards civilization , felt by probably everyone at some points in their lives , and by some most of the time , arises from the restrictions which moral codes place on sexual activities , confining it , in West European cultures , to heterosexual relations with one partner over the whole of a lifetime .
52 One is given to understand that it is a perfectly common psychological state which has afflicted nearly everyone at some time .
53 Probably nothing at all
54 True , they led to the old Naval Dockyard but that did not generate many heavy goods vehicles and probably none at night .
55 When , on 1 January 1766 , the Old Pretender died in Rome , aged 77 , his elder son assumed the title of Charles III and six years later he at last married , but his wife bore no children .
56 The truth is that probably anyone at all can benefit from attendance at open meetings of any Anonymous Fellowship and from working a 12 Step programme .
57 Levine contends that these tracts , even as they confidently sermonize on the fixed nature of identity , especially gender identity as prescribed by God and signified through dress difference , display a deep anxiety that identity is not fixed ; that , underneath , the self is really nothing at all ( ‘ Men in Women 's Clothing ’ , 126 and 128 ) .
58 So I have to say that though I at this moment very close to this in the smallest county of England I have also had experience in three other major counties in mainland England er and I have found the same experience the difficulty of finding people who will even be councillors or magistrates , let alone these other jobs that the er that the er Home Secretary seeks to find .
59 But suppose a large part of the £615m was not really theirs at all ?
60 Being certainly lost an opportunity by not being it 's only body there is an editing element in the book publishing section from the P G B and there are elements relating to us in the S P G of the Periodical Training Council and there will be bits of them in the public relations in the marketing one of which I 've got a copy of the draft , but you know there is nothing all embracing B T E C do graphics and journalism but there is no single forum , I mean that 's what so astonishing and interestingly somebody at B T E C told me the other day there 's been a bit of a problem about the the book editing part of the editing level three element um , and that 's partly political as to editing versus production because production 's level four and editing is level three , and that has made some problems apparently
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