Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] when " in BNC.

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1 My hon. Friend the Member for Newcastle upon Tyne , North ( Mr. Henderson ) and the hon. Member for Southwark and Bermondsey ( Mr. Hughes ) were dead right when they said that the Bill is a lost opportunity .
2 I says , oh , she were right depressed when she came in .
3 The structure can be stabilised by a triangulation that is most economic when symmetrical and evolves into the familiar forms of roof trusses , bridges , arches and vaulting .
4 I was rather sorry when the All Clear went . ’
5 The demands of this kind of social experience are perhaps most acute when the infant wishes to communicate to the adult about the object — for example , if the child wishes to draw the adult 's attention to an object or request an object from the adult .
6 This problem is most acute when the individual ( or group ) courting media attention seeks to placate different and conflicting audiences , for example an international/foreign audience and a home one .
7 Identity crises are often most acute when family and marriage identity collapses .
8 Dissonances are most acute when the dissonant voices are close together .
9 You become excited when you discover an entry from a brand leader but descend into despondency when you find that large , marketing-led organisations can be incredibly sloppy when it comes to presenting written reports .
10 Flight appreciably heavier than a gull but less so than a buzzard , and remarkably agile when chasing other birds ; will pursue even Gannets .
11 Ballesteros gets a little touchy when asked about his form .
12 The Conservative victory under the slogan ‘ Set The People Free ’ that October looked rather hollow when you examined the figures and discovered that more people had actually voted Labour than Conservative .
13 " I know you come over a little shy when I talk about you this way , Chuck , but I do it for a good reason , " continued the senator , lighting a Havana cigar with elaborate care .
14 Gooseberries , for example , can be picked for cooking or processing when they are still hard and green , flowers are often cut while still in bud and many roots or salad crops are at their most palatable when young and tender .
15 In fact I 've decided that my own preoccupation with the state of Diana and Charles 's marriage is rather hypocritical when my own , if examined under a public microscope , would look pretty ghastly .
16 In Britain , by contrast , affection for the monarchy appears undiminished , most devotional when directed towards those , like the Queen Mother , who have least apparent power or influence .
17 When a trio of dots are in GP by both size and interval , the group is most stable when the largest is on the shortest arms and the smallest is on the longer arms .
18 The train resembled a site from the late 50s–early 60s when numerous tours were staged on branch lines in this manner and with 75069 in a slightly weather worn condition it certainly looked authentic and fitted the part well .
19 I grew a little apprehensive when she informed me that I would see witches and some ugly things , after which I would see my grandfather and other long-dead relatives .
20 Since they look a little strange when X-Rayed , security may open your case to see what it is you have in there .
21 All-white gardens are at their most striking when enclosed by walls or dark yew hedges .
22 This is rather cruel when set against the examples of his predecessors .
23 They say the human brain is at its most receptive when it is young .
24 I was most upset when I saw it .
25 The following evening Penry rang again , but this time he spoke to Elise , who was rather mystified when he politely declined to speak to Leonora .
26 Sergeant Flavell sounds a little odd when I talk to him and tell him I 've been to Jersey for the day but I 'm on my way back to Edinburgh .
27 Although using hex characters may seem a little inconvenient when manually sending commands direct from the keyboard , it gives a resolution of 1 part in 255 against 1 part in 100 if two decimal characters were used .
28 This became most strikingly clear when the encyclicals Lamentabili and Pascendi in 1907 condemned the ‘ modernists ’ .
29 However , because the transcriptional properties of ATF1 and CREB are fundamentally different when fused to a heterologous DNA-binding-domain ( 30 ) it is apparent that changes in the relative proportions of ATF1 and CREB will have important consequences .
30 The significance of the seven-hooded Cobra is most clear when related to the discipline of Kundalini Yoga and the seven levels of consciousness leading to Samadhi or ‘ liberation ’ .
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