Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are slowly realising that fat is a very effective means of making you put on weight .
2 Slowly got that .
3 A little goes that way and then a very small amount goes that way .
4 right got that now you have , then you have
5 When you come out of prison you need somewhere to go that day , ’ he said .
6 ‘ He seemed quiet and rather withdrawn that morning , but he very often was so I did n't take too much notice .
7 As you know we meet with our advisors , at least twice a year , and we effectively review that erm , that agreement at those six month points .
8 Zimbabwe eventually snatched that game 18–16 , but the Spanish had their revenge later ( see pages 36 & 37 ) .
9 Liese was doing a secretarial course , but they 'd all rather expected that .
10 Some had a clear idea of what was required and successfully moved that
11 I simply assumed you would much prefer that charming nickname to your own .
12 It also must be remembered er that the transport links to Easingwold would not be good enough to support that level of development , it does not have a rail station and it does it , and the A nineteen is only a single carriageway road , and would need ld need isagree with Mr Jewitt upon re 1
13 When the Prime Minister visits Scotland this weekend , will he be big enough to acknowledge that , sooner rather than later , he will have to bow to the wish of the Scottish people for self-determination ?
14 Right we can all throw that in bin .
15 Viscount Palmerston had taken over as Prime Minister by then only to lose that position to Lord Derby again but only for a year , as the Liberals were able to take control of Parliament in 1859 , with Viscount Palmerston remaining as Prime Minister until 1865 , during which period many changes took place .
16 They were not always fair in their criticism : few today would agree with the New Statesman reviewer who wrote of The Lady Vanishes that ‘ the English should leave amorous wisecracking to the nation which invented and alone understands that art . ’
17 I knew him well enough to spot that .
18 I 'm only cooking that .
19 I can only presume that Lucker has failed in the macho stakes .
20 So push that button
21 This is work which requires an emotional coldness but which can on occasions be so demanding that detachment is difficult to maintain .
22 History indicates that general practice is not so demanding that unqualified people can not pass themselves off as principals for many years and get away with it .
23 Oh yes , they 'd all heard that .
24 He has convinced Roderigo that Othello 's attraction for Desdemona is purely sensual , will soon be satiated , and that then Desdemona will love him ; even though the dupe is constantly doubting that vision , Iago manages to sustain it for as long as he needs to .
25 How easy it is to allow life to be swallowed up by the daily round and so to miss that pause to reflect and to take one 's bearings .
26 Erm so change that .
27 A company needs extremely good conversion and testing tools for these jobs — of just the kind that are available for the 88000 , argues Heath — even more so given that some end-user customers are even demanding certification as part of their acquisition and procurement process , 88open says .
28 A company needs extremely good porting and testing tools for these jobs — of just the kind that are available for the 88000 , argues Heath — even more so given that some end-user customers are even demanding certification as part of their acquisition/procurement process , 88open says .
29 So given that kind of broad definition what is specific , or what is different .
30 Mr Winchester 's guide somewhat spoils that last triumph by showing him a press release — written , of course , on a Macintosh — from a man who had followed Balboa 's footsteps two months earlier .
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