Example sentences of "[adv] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sociologists of religion frequently appear inexcusably reductionist to those whom they study .
2 It gets political in its indictment of the corrupt railroad — it ‘ leaves two shiny , slimy tracks like a snail ’ — that is the representation of a rapaciously capitalist civilisation , and dares to traduce Fonda , Monument Valley and sundry rather icons of the Ford universe .
3 ‘ That 's most kind of you , sir . ’
4 ‘ Perhaps … yes , it is most kind of you . ’
5 Luckily Crispins of Curtain Road in London , my main veneer supplier , still had four leaves from the same bundle that I had purchased the original set from .
6 These books are timeless , not part of the changing whirl of food fashion or trend , rather part of a backbone of information and knowledge without which all cookery books are quite irrelevant .
7 Rose ( 1868 ) , do not obviously suggest serious historical study , but are rather part of a long series of more popular works on Mary , in which Jean Plaidy and Madeleine Bingham are among the most recent exponents ; and there is a certain charm about the publication , in 1793 , of a work by one J. F. Gaum , Marie Stuart und Marie Antoinette in der Underwelt .
8 But the wheels of bureaucracy take time to run , and British winter weather is rarely kind to fliers , while seaplanes have the additional disadvantage of needing several ground-crew and suitable tides as well as suffering all the constraints of more conventional land aircraft .
9 ‘ It 's remarkably kind of you to put us up like this , and we 're both very grateful . ’
10 But she 'd already started to dissipate the beauty of her voice with various kinds of addiction — narcotics , alcohol and companions who were n't altogether kind to her — and the last ten years of her life ( she died in 1959 ) find the light , drifting delivery of the pre-war years shrivelling into the croak of a haggard ghost .
11 It 's incredibly kind of you to meet us on the offchance .
12 So er right loads of you have been away , I 'm going to hand
13 Mr Kerr said the TEC 's private sector board members fell into two categories : some were senior employees of industrial companies with bases on Teesside , while others were effectively owner-managers with large equity stakes in their companies .
14 And she did narf she did narf shit on Linda !
15 The painting by H.T. Wells RA depicts HEADBURY QUARRY a little west of Dancing Ledge but the view of Tilly Whim early in 19th century would have been much the same .
16 Fortunately , although Johnny and Susan and Harbajahn and Khadijah are individual personalities with a myriad variety of individual differences , they are all recognizably part of the genus homo sapiens , whatever the embattled teacher may sometimes wonder .
17 Eventually entitlement to unemployment benefit ceases and means-tested income support is then the only alternative .
18 It is not religion , nor its truth-claims , that is the trouble , but rather attitudes of selfishness and possessiveness — of thinking of religion or of truth as an entity which we have and somebody else does not have .
19 Eventually proposals of marriage are made and accepted , but during the ceremony — performed by Despina in disguise as the notary — military sounds are heard and the girls realize with horror that their original sweethearts are ‘ returning ’ .
20 In other words , we need to recognize that many apparently independent units of production are , without being legally owned subsidiaries , so dominated through subcontracting and purchasing arrangements , that they are effectively part of a single unit of capitalist production .
21 However , the first two arrangements have failed to materialise and the company is now effectively part of Agfa who introduced the product under its own Agfa Press label at the end of November .
22 Thus the compulsive relationship with physical exercise can become effectively part of the spectrum of eating disorder behaviour .
23 The second was that the UK was effectively part of an increasingly competitive world market so that the monopoly power of the merged firms , and the corresponding social cost of the dead-weight burden , would be small .
24 Similar legal provisions exist in Germany and Japan but big firms rarely resort to them .
25 It was not all going to be wine and roses ; and Leonard again felt the sharp problem of the Canadian writer at that time — having a small home market , not wishing to become artistically part of the ‘ 53rd State ’ of America , and yet having nowhere else to go .
26 Right Gary on Saturday .
27 The goal of tolerance and mutual respect is not one , all-embracing religion , but rather unity in diversity .
28 And if given to us as actual temptations , the rather lure of the church , the Reverend Simon Stephen Daedalus SJ , and the lure of the flesh ‘ He closed his eyes , surrendering himself to her body and mind , conscious of nothing in the world but the dark pressure of her softly parting lips ’ .
29 ‘ Well , he did rather harp on what a lot of money he spent .
30 Hay & Maddock 93 , in their study of human geography theses , found that 26% of their sampled items were produced as the outcome of postgraduate research , but that eventually 50% of theses lead to publication of their results , including publication in book form .
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