Example sentences of "[pers pn] do [verb] " in BNC.

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1 What else can I do to improve things ?
2 What can I do to improve its lifeless appearance ?
3 What can I do to minimise the concussion I am sure my mare must have suffered ?
4 What can I do to turn it round to a positive .
5 PEG ( without looking at Abberley ) : What could I do to cheer you up ?
6 Master , what must I do to inherit eternal life ?
7 Which parable did Jesus tell in answer to the question , ‘ Master , what must I do to inherit eternal life ? ’
8 What can I do to patch things up for them ?
9 Right , what can I do to kill you ?
10 PEG : What could I do to stop you troubling ?
11 What did I do took my key out of here
12 An enthusiast from the start , she had been attending Edith Harlow 's Woodford Green Medau class for less than a year when she approached Edith with the bold question ‘ What do I do to teach this ? ’
13 He claims it was a mole but I know it was him — what can I do to shut him up ?
14 What can I do to give you an orgasm ?
15 And I 'd I do think it 's possible erm with help for people both sides have a partnership to change you know if we take an honest look at ourselves .
16 What can I do to avoid catching head lice ?
17 I er I nearly fell through the floor a little while ago I was British Gas people and one of them living with this lady and I want to give her half of my lump sum , how can I do to avoid er to effect her income tax or inheritance tax thinking in terms of the inheritance tax limit of a hundred and fifty thousand I said , Well would you mind telling me about how much it will be ?
18 What can I do to get it back ?
19 What can I do to get you off the phone ? ’
20 What can I do to get her to allow others to have a say ?
21 The two girls were quiet for a long time after the door closed ; then suddenly , unaccountably , they started to push one another , boisterously mimicking Moran : ‘ God , O God , what did I do to deserve such a crowd ?
22 The classic statement ‘ What did I do to deserve this ? ’ has but a single answer : Nothing !
23 What exactly did I do to deserve a so-called friend like you ? ’
24 What can I do to raise standards generally in schools ?
25 ‘ What can I do to prevent its repetition ? ’
26 I said w you know what can I do to change the situation ?
27 ‘ What shall I do to keep my mind off that thought while the day passes ? ’
28 THE FIRST QUESTION that everyone asks , when sick , is ‘ What can I do to help myself ? ’
29 What can I do to help ?
30 What can I do to help her ?
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