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31 ‘ In the present climate , I think people will be under quite a lot of pressure to begin building work as soon as possible when an answer has been given , ’ said principle officer for child services , Cliff James .
32 I think people write because they need to .
33 But I think people just react to what is around them .
34 I think people appreciate that
35 I think people should stick with what suits them , even if they 've had the same thing for years .
36 She said : ‘ I think people will realise now that I have true ability .
37 I think people do underestimate what is sexually attractive .
38 A big issue has been made out of the racism allegations , which I think people will make up their own minds about , but no-one 's made a big issue out of the fact that a lot of people are getting ripped off here . ’
39 I think people who take on the job should know the job .
40 Right , we , we , we did actually draw , or we not draw , we , we adopted a constitution during the year and the officers that are erm elected are the Chair , the Secretary and the Treasurer , erm and other , together with other such officers , yeah to determine by general meeting , erm , so it 's really only those three , er and we have sometimes had Advice Chair if there 's only been one Chairman have n't we , one Chair person erm so I think people need to say if they do n't wish to carry on the jobs they 're doing and if anybody wishes to nominate anyone in a particular post then slip at the bottom of the minutes could be filled in and either brought to meeting or sent back to the Secretary .
41 I find this very difficult to erm , to relate , to relate hard work to the women portraying in , in this , we 've got the postcard of that one , erm it must of been hard work and very tedious , but I think every now and then the moment breaks away and shines through at the back , and I think people like , like Gaugin erm captures those moments and then releases them on the canvass , and I hope that erm by , I hope I 've been able to show you how I use art as a voice erm and a friend as my own work , even though we 've maybe had to do such a sort of hand fist way , hand fisted way , erm , but , I , I 've recently started to re-visit old favourite of paintings and I found that the story they tell sometimes has changed dramatically , maybe sometimes when your very little that , that , you know , sometimes dramatically as well , erm , but I , mostly , most importantly its , its still , I still find them , all of them compelling and challenging and , and something to stride for in my own work , erm , er only time will tell so I 'll finish with the , the last poem which is erm comes from the postcard what 's going round which is harvest , its called Patterns In The Grass , Wheat cut and falls , making lion head patterns in the grass , sickle shaped women bend and bow as a naive dressed as a dog steals the evening meal .
42 But it would be ala I think people would be alarmed if turn out for central government dropped to forty percent .
43 Erm , just to go back a wee bit to the thing about th the image and and the fight that we have on our hands er , to actually break into the media , I do n't , I think people underestimate the control an and er the feeling that men have that it 's their game and we 're not gon na take it away from them !
44 Er , nobody 's mentioned the religious bias yet , and I do n't know how strong it is in Edinburgh , but in , in Glasgow it is and if people are religiously biased they are ve , very often biased a about other things and I da , I think people should adopt an attitude of live and let live !
45 I think fashions have changed but I think people 's attitude 's have n't really changed , people have always been striving to improve their , their appearance , even like in Roman times when they used coal and , and
46 and how you feel yourself , that 's how you present yourself to other people , I think if you present yourself in a confident manner , I think people pick up on that and I do , I do n't think beauty is necessarily what you see , I think its how you feel within yourself and how you present yourself to people .
47 Yeah , I think people feel uneasy about the whole subject of surrogacy because we know that sometimes rich women have paid poor women er , for surrogacy or adoption and I think we want that choice to be a free one , in which case we have to raise their material circumstances so no one is forced to sell their baby , just as no one should be forced to sell , you know , their blood !
48 Erm , and i i , I think people quite often feel very bad when they try to stop smoking , I I ha , used to smoke about forty a day and I 've now succeeded in stopped for about four years , but I know that I did have several failures and whe when when you try to stop and and fail you feel extremely bad and low and depressed about yourself , and people probably need quite a lot of support .
49 But I think people do get carried away with traditions and the occasion and this grand affair and really , it could be a very small low-key affair , but it 's , it 's meant to be a very romantic special day for two people .
50 I think people who go to prison must have had a reason for whatever they did .
51 I think people should try and help women , not just send them to prison .
52 And I think people were quite suspicious of of their neighbours .
53 I think people .
54 I think people are here .
55 I think people take television far too seriously . ’
56 I think people find that more difficult than actually saying what a time signature is .
57 Now that 's a bit of an elusive concept really but none the less I think people have er a sort of idea that there is a real them
58 So I think people got caught out quite badly at that , at that point .
59 And then of course you 've got your , I think people made more use of the convalescent club , which we have got .
60 Erm we 've got a convalescent club for members and I think people made more use of that and then there was a time when I remember er you see , even the death , there was a death grant .
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